In case you're interested, here's a quick update on my life. I've been extremely busy and staying offline for the most part.
Geisha Moth and I have been having some really intense stitch 'n bitch sessions about every two weeks. All hand work, mostly bras, to get our stock nice and full for
Tribal Fest. I should have a number of killer bras ready by then. But of course, these things are really work intensive, so I suspect there will only be about a dozen or so on display. I'm really hoping for custom orders, I love doing custom work.
In between these sessions, I've been sewing some skirts and pantaloons. I think I have much more than I need. The space issue is all new to me because I'm sharing with
Tempest. She's kind enough to let me hang with her and I don't want to hog up all the space. I believe in being a polite and courteous to other vendors, space hogging is really appalling. Be a good neighbor vendors! But in this case, I will be directly in her space, and I need to take that into account.
In other fashion news, I have big photo shoot coming up. I'll be featuring my designs but I'm really working them up for the shoot. I usually like to keep things as basic as possible so buyers can be creative and do as they will with my work. But the photo shoot is geared toward a web site redesign. So I'm really working this up one hundred percent. I want to give people a really good idea of what can be done with my designs. And I have some excellent models to work on! More on all of that later.
I will also be going to
Dark Arts Festival. It isn't confirmed yet, but I fully expect to do a performance and the fashion show. I will be doing a Greco-Roman theme here with lots of gowns and one or two heavy tribal costumes. My favorite models have all agreed and I have most of the fabric gathered for it. Lots of work still to do here.
With all of this going on, I am also working on my workshop and performance for Tribal Fest. I'm doing a floorwork workshop and I'm excited about this because I really love floorwork. I'm a bit concerned about the performance but thankfully there's still time to work out the kinks. Which are mostly in my back, lol.
And I have two workshops coming up in Europe that need some work. I need some sort of timetable for the outline so I don't spend too much time on this topic and not enough on the other. And I need a material lists to give out very soon. Like tomorrow.
And of course I have the blog. I'm committed to doing only one post per month, unless something exciting happens. Excitement not always being pleasant. But with everything that's going on, and the fact that there are so many interesting things to discuss, I find that I'm indecisive over the next topic. I should just sit myself down and have at it.
All this and I should be able to take a rest of some sort in mid-July. After the
Belly Dance Fantasy Festival. Hmm, maybe I should nag hubby for a weekend at the beach. I haven't been to Carmel for a while.