because i said i would - meme

Oct 15, 2007 02:38

Comment and:
1. I'll respond with something random about you
2. I'll challenge you to try something
3. I'll pick a colour that I associate with you
4. I'll tell you something I like about you
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of
7. I'll ask you something I've always wanted to ask you
8. Repost it or else (well, the or else COULD be good... you never know)

i generally am ... well, not opposed to these things, but don't often participate for whatever reason i'm not entirely sure of. But this one, this one seems like something i'm actually excited about delving into. That is, assuming everyone who's anyone responds.


in other news.
this evening was full of many thoughts, oddly enough not related to anything but me being in a good place in my head. Is it being on (regular) supplements and having added 5HTP to those supplements? is it the placebo of the supplements? is it realizing...

a) i originally decided that the "bedroom" of this one bedroom was going to be my living room because the bigger room was nicer and brighter and better temperature, etc etc... what i didn't realize was that it was habit for me to put all the best energy i could into my bedroom and make it a safe place (even though it rarely ever was). I believe it has finally sunk it that i no longer have to do that, it could easily be a large part of the fact that since i got this new and marvelous bed (and ACTUAL bed, not a futon bed) i haven't used it for much more than bed-like things. Snuggling with furs, watching a little tele, reading, and most of all sleeping... nothing else interesting to report. And that's pretty okay. Either way, my bed has slowly been crawling into the "bedroom" so that i can make the living room a living space.

b) i have spent sooo many years and so much energy into forcing myself to make school #1 priority. something so small and somewhat insignificant as school (insignificant in comparison... scratch that... something like this... nothing like this... nevermind) has taken such a precidence in my life. Whenever i have sacrificed school, it has been for life. To persue the first girl who ever maybe kinda liked me, to do a job that gave me mounds of experience, to sleep and get over sickness, to enjoy the day, to have great conversation, to just do nothing... it has always been life. Here i have thought, all along, that my priorities were out of whack meanwhile they were perfectly in line... allined... right on track, something had just been convincing me i was wrong. Soon enough this will be a chapter in my life... a whole freakin' book in my life that will be over. I have no idea what lyes ahead. Nothing like what i thought would be... nothing i expected... unfamiliar territory.


and many other wonderful things that are spewing around my head in colours, lacking words (fortunately and unfortunately). perhaps i shall paint them or breathe them or eat them here. Perhaps they will only be mine. But all that is mine makes up me, so enjoy me and you will enjoy all that is mine.
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