Cross your fingers!!!!

Aug 24, 2004 21:39


I got to take my boys cast off today :) He is now cast free and able to wiggle his little tootsies to his hearts content for a week! then he gets the brace. His foot looks wonderful and he is adjusting to having sensations on his now exposed skin. It was rather traumatic at first...having been in a cast since a week after being born. He didn't quite know what to do with things touching him and being able to move his just screamed. Mommy quieted him down fairly quickly with some nice massages though and now he is as happy as can be :) I love my boy *beams*

Ok...and....have i reiterated enough to everyone how bad the current work situation is that I am returning to on Thursday? If not...I'll fill you in later...but perhaps the fact that I now call the office Black Death will tip you was bad enough when I has gotten increasingly worse while I have been gone, with the newest blow occuring yesterday (the person who was fighting the system with HR just up and our 6 person team is down to..well, essentially 3)...anyway...I applied for a bunch of new jobs at the U. Also looking (hopefully) for a little more pay...but as long as I don't get paid less, I will be happy.

Today..i got 2 (TWO!) calls for interviews. I have an interview with the English Department tomorrow (Wed.) at 3pm....I LOVE English!!!!!!!! and another with the Psychology Dept on Thursday at 11 (still have to figure out how to take an early lunch on my first day back......hmm...) and..while i LOVE english..I like psychology a whole lot. English would be like my lover...Psychology like that really really good friend you just love to snuggle with.

Anyway..I could use ALL the positive energy y'all can muster at this time. You would not only be helping my bank account, but possibly help prevent my being institutionalized in an insane asylum! *cackles*

And believe it or not...English is my best subject, though it doesn't come through on here. The Psych call was interesting..conducted a phone interview basically. How's that for psychology! calling someone out of the blue and interviewing them without any notice. Sure! catch them off guard and see what they say! Brilliant psychology if you ask me!! BRILLIANT! I guess I did well enough for them to want me in this week :)

I LOVE English!

ok..thank you all...I will let you know what happens!

now...what freaking shoes do i wear?!?!?

and to cutie patootie divavamp-ire my cell anytime. If I can answer, I will, If I can't leave a message and I will call you back when I can :) I have little lights that tell me when it rings instead of the noise so you won't bother the baby or anyone :) *Smooches* so don't be scared :)
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