Nov 24, 2010 00:46
"Have you put a move on her yet?"
"Are you going to tell her your intentions?"
When you hear them, they sound like to very different questions. The first sounds sleazy, like the guys at the bar who go just to pick up a drunk woman for the night. The latter sounds better, more like a how a gentleman would approach a woman, like old fashion courtship. But the truth of the matter is they mean the same thing. They're both ways of asking if a man has or will tell a girl that he likes her and tries to pursue her romantically. And with both these statements comes the under lying premise in our society that a guy should always pursue a girl he likes, and that in the end things will work out in his favor if he tries hard enough.
We see it all the times in our movies and stories. Whether the girl starts out thinking the guy is a nerd not worth her time, or she has a boyfriend, the main character always seems to get the girl in the end. Persistence pays off, he wins her heart. But life isn't a movie. And even if it was, we wouldn't be the main characters. We'd be lucky to qualify as supporting actors. In real life persistence doesn't always pay off. If the girl doesnt like you or has a boyfriend that's the way it is, and thinking that life is like a movie and you can just keep pushing, isn't fair. Its not fair to you, and its definitely not fair to the other person, or the people they're close to.
At the end of Venture Bros. the other night, Dean said fuck you to The Outrider when he told him that he thought if you loved some one you should just want them to be happy. It was hilarious, mostly cus Dean is a sissy and never swears. But the truth is The Outrider was right. Though so many things in society tell us otherwise, its sometimes best to not say anything. Sometimes, if you care about some one, you just need to cherish what you already have and want them to be happy. If they're happy that's all you can really ask for.
anyways...... I don't know. So many things lately have been said to me by other people, or on tv and things ive been reading that made me think about this stuff. Its weird that so many things have had kinda the same theme lately, almost like the universe is trying to tell me something.
BAH! what am I doing? I'm tired and I got comics to read.