Dec 13, 2007 22:22
Here we are again with an update for my composition class and this one will more than likely be short because its like 10:30 and I just worked 6 hours and I really have nothing to update about so here goes nothing.
I am happy to have made my first really big purchase and that was a ipod touch. Its the most amazing thing next to bread (which isn't that great in my opinion) I mean it has it all, internet, 16 gigs worth of storage for mp3s pictures movies and many many 3rd party mods for it like a gameboy advanced and a super Nintendo. You can't beat that on an ipod sure its not the iphone but its damn close to the next best thing if you ask me. I guarantee that 1789789636 people are going to get it for Christmas because of me I know it. I might as well be Santa in a distant way/form
So I was happy to go to a basketball game on my one day off and it was actually a breath of fresh air. I'm really not a huge fan of basketball but I do like hanging out with a few friends who I really didn't have a chance anymore because of work. But nevertheless I hate just 1 thing about the games and that is the cheerleaders. Christ they are like gnats you kill one 127695 more come after you. They have the same cheers as they do every year and never change it up and its just plain annoying at this point. All you need is the student body fans they have different things every year sure sometimes it can be harsh/racist/inappropriate but at least its entertaining to watch
Christmas is coming up very shortly as well as my 17th birthday and it amazes me how fast time really does fly. I mean 17 years of life already I remember being a little kid an waking up at like 4 and just sitting with my grandma while everyone else slowly made their way downstairs. I just can't believe it, Someone told me today that I'm going to miss high school and I am starting to believe that I am going to immensely. I just hope I don't leave the school without making a mark I want to be remembered in this school for something...what that is I don't know but maybe it will hit me eventually, so I hope
Well I am exhausted and need to catch some ZzZZzzZZZZZZzzzzZZzzz's so....
feel good inc,
sleep again,