Its always summer they'll never get cold

Nov 07, 2007 21:14

Ok so I'm throwing a random update because I'm super bored and well thats pretty much the only reason

So you ever have a certain CD or band that no matter how many times you listen to a certain song or songs it never gets old. For me thats Fastball "All the Pain Money can Buy." It came out in 1998 I believe and it was my first CD ever and I still have it to this day and it quite possibly has my favorite song on there The Way. Its a great feel good song that was really popular when it came out and it was really their only hit but I listen to it at least 2x a day and I could never get tired of it. Not only that but it makes me feel better if I had a bad day or make it better if it was a good day to begin with, call me old fashioned but Its just one of those things that makes me tick.

I'm super pumped about tomorrow and I can finally get my license after 8 friggen months of waiting and my dad being a complete douche up until the very day. People have no idea how terrible it is to have someone teach you like its the essence of life that I keep at the exact speed of 40 and if I go over by 1 freaking mile I either take a charlie Horse in the leg or a degrading comment that makes me feel like shit. I hate it but once I get it the entire world will know and I guarantee I will be in a good mood all week.

In my past few entires I have been talking about stupid girl problems and whatnot I have officially decided to turn over a new leaf. Don't sweat the small stuff and thats what all that crap is. I have more important fish to fry and I'm hungry sure it would be nice to have someone close during this very holiday season but I'll live without it, someone is out there and I'm waiting. Until that day comes I'll be working at Sears at really shitty hours, so all of you need to come visit me ^^ no really come visit me my job can get boring at times.

Cold has finally hit us in case you live in Florida or in a box and honestly cold reminds me of ironically band and football and being close to those around me. See every time I felt cold I was with people who I really cared for wither it was at a football game, hanging out at someone's house at a fire or my personal favorite having a few cigars in Dave's hot tub. I miss those days where everyone got along because our school was having an amazing year with football and XC and honestly it brought our community together people who normally hated each other came together and let the grudges at the door it was great. This year the energy died because we weren't as good and everyone had the we're going to lose attitude and it was a miserable year

I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving Break last year was my first real experience with my older friends (that being with Dave, Steve, Ricky, and George) and even though I'm like 4, 3, and 2 years younger than them its like I grew up with them my entire life. I'm really happy that I did go with Ricky to that one softball game which started it all and I am looking forward to spending Thanksgiving break with them. It sounds corny but its the small things like that which can take your mind of the troubles of school and retarded drama.

Later days

thanksgiving, happyness, working my balls off, friends

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