Hi Everybody, hope your all doing well because I am actually doing good for a change.
In a few past entries I complained about having like no friends in my grade that I actually like and can stand, but in the past couple weeks of school I have realized that isn't true. I guess I was blinded by my own self doubt in my grade and people my age that I just wanted to shut the door on them. I mean sure there are a few that I can barely stand as is, but there are even greater amounts of people that I truly care for and wouldn't trade the world for. My dad said something to me a few days ago and it stuck. He said "there are only so many friends you can keep as you get older, and even fewer that you can always trust and go to in a time of need. Never let those friends go." It may sound corny but in all reality its true.
So tonight was the 27th band night in the county and I must say we have a good program compared to some of the people there. I know in the past I have said I wish our drumline would get their act together but after seeing a few I just can't help but feel sorry for some of the kids that play in the bands they do. But then again I was also impressed by a few because they did very good for a high school band and it makes me want to improve even more. I am also happy that I am not the only one that cares this much. So maybe just maybe this week our base drums will play tonal (when bases play different heads to make a different sound like quads)
Well I think thats all I got for now I'm poopered so take it easy ^^