If I stay I'll grow to curse the dark,
So it's off where the days won't bind me
I know I leave wounds behind me,
But I won't let tomorrow find me
Back this way
Oh my. I so adore Miss Stephanie J. Block*. ♥ ♥ ♥ I was talking to Sammi today about the night I met her, and I felt this wave of...almost homesickness, I guess, for this song, because I haven't listened to it in forever. So when I came home I turned it on, and it made me so happy. :) It's just one of those songs that does that for me. Stephanie's voice in general makes me happy. And now I want to e-mail her, because I haven't in a while. I was going to e-mail her to congratulate her for Pirate Queen, and then I was going to e-mail her to say happy birthday (that was in September, the 19th), and then I was going to e-mail her to say congratulations on her engagement (
Sebastian Arcelus, the Fiyero I saw my first time around! Squee! I hope they have kids; those kids would be gorgeous and extremely talented!), but I kept putting all of those e-mails off because I never know what to say to her (because she reads and responds to ALL of her e-mail AND she has this insanely good memory--she will remember your name and face even if she met you only once at a stagedoor three years ago. She still remembers what my shirt said when I met her XP). Anyway, now it seems too late to send any of those e-mails, plus I still don't know what to say to her. :( So I won't e-mail her. But I want to see her again. And I want to see her perform. Goddammit, I wish I lived in New York.
[ * Stephanie J. Block is a Broadway performer. She used to be pretty obscure, not many people knew about her, but then she got this starring role in The Pirate Queen and she is finally getting the recognition she deserves. I met her in August two years ago when my friend Moxley took me to this barbeque that her mother's friend was having. Turns out Steph was a family friend of the hostess, and she was in town for the Wicked tour, so she was there. [Insert Mass Amounts of Fangirl Squealing Here.] She was very sweet to us and answered our questions and took pity on the fact that we were too starstruck to speak and signed my T-shirt (which was Broadway oriented--it said "I Rent A Wicked Apartment on Avenue Q", hehe. Actually, if you clicked on the picture above of me and Sebastian Arcelus, I'm actually wearing it in that picture, not that you can tell. What a coincidence, that was years before they got engaged). Anyway, she's kind of like my idol. :)]
Aaaaanyway. Today was a lovely day, despite the fact that I flunked the Euro test (oh well). Miss Mills read my essay analyzing William Blake's "The Nurse's Song" as an example in class today, which was equal parts flattering and embarrassing. I had hoped that no-one would guess whose essay it was, as she made a nice pretense of not telling anyone, and I thought I was doing a fairly good job of looking politely disinterested until she finished reading it and this kid named Michael said, "Okay, that one was Linnea's. Look at her, her face is bright red." Everyone around me immediately started in with, "Oh, don't be embarrassed! It was really great!", which just made me blush more until Mills finally took pity on me and said, "Guys, stop, you're making it worse." I'm very flattered to have my essays read aloud in class, it's quite the ego stroke; I just don't like being present during the reading, because my face heats up involuntarily and I have the sudden urge to hide behind something.
So I had a dream last night. In my dream I had a boyfriend, this cute Indian boy who didn't speak a lick of English but somehow managed to ask me out. I said yes, and he took me to go see Mamma Mia! for our first date, and since he was the son of the mayor or something similarly important, he got really good seats. The show was just as fun as it was when I actually saw it (like a year ago), and we had a good time and I liked him a lot, and the first thing I did when I woke up this morning was reach for the phone to call him and tell him how much I enjoyed myself and how I'd love us to go out again. It wasn't until I had the phone in my hand and I was feverishly trying to remember his phone number that it hit me: Oh, hey, wait--he doesn't exist. [Insert disappointed whining here.]
Before my past, oh once again, can blind me
Fly away
And we won't wait, to say goodbye
My beautiful young man
And IiiiiiiiI!