Quote of the Day: "Actually, if I were on a desert island with OJ Simpson, I think that logarithms would be the least of my problems."
Thank you, Dalton, for that moment of comic relief.
This happened during math class today, when our ever-the-optimist teacher was trying to explain to the class when we'd ever have an opportunity to use logarithms in real life. Her first example was something about being stranded on a desert island and a dead pig, which I tuned out entirely. But then she mentioned working with bodies on a crime scene (my ears perked up at 'crime scene'...I watch too much L&O), and finding out an estimated time of death by working backwards with logarithms. Her exact words were something along the lines of, "Say you're in a house with OJ Simpson...oh, my, perhaps that wasn't appropriate to say at school--but supposing you were, and you were trying to figure out what happened to his wife and her estimated time of death, you'd take her body temperature..." Keep in mind that she jumped straight from the first example to the second, so our brains were all still back on the desert island, and suddenly OJ Simpson was there too, and we were all like, Wait, what?
And...that's just the kind of day it's been.
((Oh, but, speaking of Law & Order, I was checking that handy dandy little
When Is Law and Order On? website, and I came across one that's playing tomorrow that I've never seen, called "Poison." Intrigued, I clicked on the episode description, and immediately thought of you, Alex.
"The detectives search for an "angel of death" who poisons victims with cyanide."))