Bits and Scenes of Chapter 24

Jul 07, 2008 15:48

Yugioh parts of chapter24
Seto/Anzu; Arisa; Jounouchi; Mokuba

Jounouchi grunted. "Well... right. I'll..." He cleared his throat, not quite knowing the appropriate etiquette for the situation. He hated Kaiba but felt that some measure of gratitude had been earned. "I guess I'll see you later then."

"Better than sooner, hmm?" He raised an eyebrow, the gesture as friendly as he would ever get with Jounouchi.

For his part, the blond man was stunned. Had Kaiba made a... joke? "Right." He scratched his head, feeling slightly confused. "Um... Tell Anzu thanks, I guess. For telling me." His face darkened. "You can bet Otogi and I will be having a chat. Soon."

written 12 June 2008


Arisa sighed happily as she gently touched the soft, satin skirts. The dress was beautiful; it was absolutely perfect, as well, just what she'd dreamed it would be. She untucked her blouse and undid the buttons, sliding off her clothes so she could slip into the dress. It had been made by one of the best dressmakers in the city and fitted to perfection.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror and smiled.

"How does it look?" -Bridesmaid #1- called. "Let us see!"

"Just a moment," Arisa replied. "I... Actually, I could use some help if you don't mind." She stepped out and turned around. "Could you help me lace it up?"

-Bridesmaid #2- pulled the laces and then tied them. "Oh, Arisa," she gushed, "you look beautiful! What a gorgeous dress."

"Thank you," Arisa replied, keeping her composure though inwardly glowing with joy. "It's exactly what I wanted. I only hope Hiroto likes it - I want to knock him off his feet." She smirked to herself.

written 12 June 2008


The silence was stifling and awkward. Jounouchi, hating to be uncomfortable, was the first to break it. "So I know you're not just here for a friendly visit. Why'd you come?"

"It's about your sister."

"My sister?!" He shot up. "Why? What's wrong? Is Shizuka - "

"Calm down," Seto instructed, brows furrowed. "She's fine. Let me start again. I've come to give you a warning. I've seen my secretary with Otogi, and Anzu - holding a vendetta against the woman - is convinced that your sister's in danger of an unfaithful boyfriend. I was... persuaded" - he looked vaguely disgusted at the thought - "to talk to you."

Jounouchi looked down, his face dark. "Oh. Hmm." For another moment he was silent, completely absorbed in his own thoughts.

written 14 June 2008


Anzu took his hand in hers and smiled. "Are you feeling a little insecure?"

Seto scowled, pulling his hand away, and she let out a loud, happy laugh. He shot her a glare; she only kissed his cheek in response.

"Sorry, sorry," she said, "but I can't help teasing you. I'm the only one who can get away with it." His scowl softened into something like a pout. She bumped shoulders with him. "But I'm very sorry. I have seen the error of my ways - I know that you would never allow it..." Her hand landed on his abdomen, then snaked up to tangle in his thick brown hair. "If there weren't impending nakedness in your future."

"Mmm." He smiled and grabbed her hand, pulling it around to his mouth. He kissed her palm. "You were teasing me? I didn't even notice."

written 15 June 2008


Seto narrowed his eyes. "Are you trying to bring up the subject of marriage, Anzu? Because if you are... You aren't very subtle."

She bit her lip. "I wasn't necessarily trying to bring it up - only mentioning it in passing. But there is an opening now if you have anything to say about it."

"I don't." He was always so reticent about their relationship; it wasn't that she was insecure, she just liked getting everything out on the table and knowing exactly where they stood. He knew all that, but still refused to discuss it with her.

"Of course you don't." She sighed. "You never do."

"Anzu..." He had been patient, but he was growing annoyed. "I've told you before that I don't wish to discuss this. Our relationship is strong and I'm going to stay with you for the forseeable future."

Anzu was silent for a moment, running her hands through his hair. She wasn't upset; after all, it was the reaction she'd expected. "So I'm only goingn to know you're ready for marriage if and when you propose?"

He grunted in what seemed to be assent.

"All right, all right - I'll drop it." Her hands dropped to his shoulders and she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. She nuzzled his neck gently, her lips against his skin. "I love you," she murmured, tightening her hold.

He gently touched her arm. "Anzu..."

"Oh, just shut up and kiss me," she laughed. "It's not like this discussion is going anywhere, anyway."

She loosened her hold on him and he turned his chair around, pulling her into his lap.

written 15 June 2008


Anzu heard the knock and ran excitedly to the door. She tried her best to look calm, but she was wearing one of her favorite dresses and Seto was actually coming to get her himself instead of just sending a car - something that he'd had to resort to doing more often as of late. She pulled open the door and smiled. "Hello."

Seto nodded. "Are you ready to go?" She looked at him incredulously and crossed her arms over her chest. He stared for a moment, then rolled his eyes. "You look beautiful. New dress?"

"No, but you're right; I do look beautiful." She flashed him a warm grin and gave his cheek a quick peck. Before she could pull away, though, he grabbed her arm and yanked her closer, his mouth finding hers with the ease of much practice.

written 25 June 2008


"It's Yugi-casserole," Mokuba said cheerily, wiping his hands on a dishtowel. "I didn't have time - or the talent - to whip up something myself, so I just paid Yugi to do it."

Anzu crossed her arms. "You shouldn't take advantage of him like that, Mokuba; you know how hard it is for him to say no."

Seto smirked. "Ask him to jump off a bridge next time, as well."

"Seto!" Anzu glared at him. "And you wonder why Mokuba's so difficult."

"Ahh ahh ahh," Mokuba put in, grinning widely. "You can blame Seto's unscrupulous parenting technique if you want, but personally I think it's because of all the kidnapping."

"Don't blame me," Seto said blandly, cutting Anzu off before she could protest.

"Oh, I wouldn't dare," she told him, rolling her eyes. "After all, spending all your energy trying to beat a classmate - who has proven better than you countless times - in a card game relieves you of all responsibility."

"Ooh, tension," Mokuba said. "Should I get popcorn?" They glared simultaneously and he laughed. "Or leave and let you get on with your date? Yeah, I'll just do that."

written 7 July 2008


Obviously I've been working on this for awhile, but I don't have a complete scene just yet.



soon to be finished, written mid-08, anzu, kaiba, various attempts, general, mokuba, conversation, azureshipping, yugioh, jounouchi, bits, romance, sakura arc, author approved, icoe, (oc) arisa

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