Swing Until Your Chains Break

Jul 07, 2008 06:28

Firefly bits, of a generally Rayne-y nature
Everyone; Rayne or pre-Rayne

As soon as Jayne left, all three women looked at River. She blinked at them owlishly. "Burning stare matches burning curiosity. Why?"

Kaylee giggled. "Just a little confused, is all. You've been actin' mighty funny whenever Jayne comes around."

"She's right," Zoe said with a nod. "You've been a little off. Actin' like a little kid, actually. Any particular reason why?"

Inara held back an amused smile. River did a quick internal analysis, weighing the pros and cons of telling them the truth. It was likely they already suspected anyway, so perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. "Enamored," she said simply. "Attention is sought - if childlike antics get the girl noticed then she will continue with acts of immaturity."

"Oh! River, that's so cute!" Kaylee clapped her hands together and giggled delightedly. "I knew you were holdin' a candle for 'im!"

"A bit unexpected," Inara said, giving River a knowing look. "I wouldn't have imagined your type to be big, gruff and slightly unhygenic."

Zoe gave a sort of half-laugh. "Wouldn't have imagined Jayne'd be anyone's type."

written 18 June 2008


Mal broke off and turned to look at River, his fury towards Inara dulled somewhat by his confusion at River's presence. He cleared his throat and cocked his head less-than-discreetly at the door.

"Oh no," she said, shaking her head. "Pay no mind - merely here for scientific observation."

"Observation?" Mal turned to fully face her, his hands on his hips, obviously upset. Even Inara seemed a bit put out by River's revelation.

"Yes. I have determined that the way to achieve a successful relationship of my own is to watch others and insure I avoid the same failings. Watching the two of you has been most beneficial to my research."

"I know we are not in the most private of places," Inara told her gently, "but it's still rude to intrude on an argument you have no part in."

River met her eyes and stared for a moment. Inara felt slightly unsettled, but she did her best to clear her mind. Then River blinked, eyes wide and wet like twin brown lakes. "You disapprove. I have violated proper social conventions. My apologies. Any further observation will be covert." And with a flourish she stood and glided off.

Mal gaped after her for a moment. "Any... further...?" He shook his head and turned back to Inara. "I... What were we fighting about?"

written 30 June 2008


It was disconcerting to suddenly be so aware. She could watch him for literally hours, captivated by each drawn breath, every movement he made.

And, most days, she hid her interest well. But not every day.

"What's your gorram problem?" he asked gruffly at supper one night. "You're starin' at me, you moonbrained beanpole."

"Yes. That's right." He would get no explanations if he continued to insult her.

"Well why were ya starin'? It's gettin' irritatin' real quick."

It certainly wouldn't do to tell the truth - that she watched the muscles of his jaw as he chewed, the movement of his strong arms as he shoveled food into his mouth. It was not her fault he was an exquisite specimen; he drew her eyes with magnetic force.

"Magnetic - forces beyond control."

"Ain't no ruttin' magnet, so jus' stop yer starin'."

"You are staring at me now. Not a metal then, merely an opposite pole."

written 1 July 2008


(A nearly-there drabble. 76 words, I think.)

River dances on stars. Serenity hums alongside her - a thin, metallic melody that defies measure, pitch and tempo.

Jayne - the big, gun-laden fool who growls and gallops like some sort of untamed stallion - snorts at her routine as he watches from backstage. "What're ya doin', moonbrain? Ain't no music for ya to be dancin' to."

No music?

The man certainly isn't deaf. So as she continues to dance, River decides he's crazier than she'll ever be.

written 3 July 2008


Yup. More bits. Oh, I cannot resist. Heh heh heh.



firefly, rayne, bits, written mid-08, romance, various attempts, general, drabble

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