"Sevenfold" Idea Dumpage

Apr 06, 2008 22:26

Yugioh general asplosion of ideas for the Green remainder
pretty much Seto/Anzu; mention of Jounouchi, I think

-work on Green: Wrath - (IDEAS!):

I found this in my striped notebook, originally intended for Green: Lust.  However, with a few minor changes (and considering the fact she was really pissed off about him being so sexy) this idea can easily work for wrath, too.  Let’s see. Well, Anzu’s in class and they’re going to have a guest speaker.  Guess who it is!  Ha ha.  (Of course, of course.)  I haven’t figured out precisely why she’s mad at him, but I don’t think that’ll be too hard.  She gets mad pretty easily.  Heh.  But yeah.  He’s a guest lecturer of some sort.  I have no idea what he’s there to talk about, but… probably his company?  That would make the most sense, I think.  Heh.  Oh, and the green is the chalkboard.  Hmm, maybe all school supplies, actually.  Like her pencil and all that.  All right!  Man, I am good.  Heh.  Er, not really.  I just get crazy-excited about my ideas sometimes.  Heh heh heh.

I also have the idea of Anzu being pregnant, but… that’s not her wrath or Kaiba’s wrath - that would most definitely be her parents’.  Hold on, lemme check.  YES!  Ha.  In yellow and then once already in green other people have experienced the sin.  It just, of course, sort of relates back to them.  Heh.  So I could totally do the gardening thing.  Huzzah.  And after this one…  ooh!  I only have two more.  That’s flippin’ awesome.  Heh.  I am excited.  So I have the blackboard for green as well as gardening if I need it.  That could come in handy.

Random ideas for other sins:
I only have gluttony and sloth left.  Erk.  Gluttony?  How in the world am I going to fit green in there?  That’s an excellent question.  A very excellent question…    Hmm.  (Heh.)  What in the world could it be?  Okay, first off, I need to get some sort of plot thing worked out.  Right…   But what?  Okay, so gluttony is consuming too much food.  Right.  In what situation would one of two protagonists consume too much food?  I do not know.  Hmm.  It doesn’t have to be one of our protagonists, I know, but if I decide to do the green gardening parent thing, then I want the two remaining sins to feature just those two.  OH!  Ahem.  I can totally use Anzu’s friends.  I notice they’ve been suspiciously absent so far.  Let’s so - I’ve already done comfort eating, and fake gluttony, and…  what was yellow?  Sort of comfort eating, but with a neat twist.  Heh.  Yeah.  With the chocolates.  I’m not seeing anything that would…  OH!  OH OH OH!  I am brilliant.  I could use Jounouchi (that charming fellow - heh).  And they’re all out to dinner and… wait, why would Kaiba be there?  Garr.  For some reason.  Curse him and his inability to get along with people.  Heh.  But!  Somehow they’re all dining together and he’s obliviously eating and… wait.  It might be funnier if he WASN’T oblivious.  If he caught them.  Oh, that makes me cackle with delight.  I don’t know how yet, but if he saw them together, doing things that enemies shouldn’t, that would be hilarious.  And he’d be questioning and he’d want to keep his mouth shut so he’d stuff more and more food into it.  A loose interpretation, I realize, but I am okay with this.  Mostly because I can’t think of anything else.  Garr.  (Okay, so self-loathing right now.  I’m hoping it will fade soon.  It won’t.  God.  I hate everything…)  ARRGH!  Let’s think of more pleasant things, shall we?  Unlikely for me, but I suppose I shall… try, in a sense.  Why do I do this to myself?  I don’t know; I’m a glutton for punishment.  (Oh ha ha ha.  That was wretched.)  But yeah.  So he sees them and has to keep quiet.  That sounds like the basis for a bit to me!  Man, I’m good.  Heh heh heh.

For sloth now!

Um…  Yeah, no idea.  Absolutely no idea.  Heh.  Okay, need to get a plot.  The green shall come!  Oh yes, the green shall come.  Hmm.  Maybe plants for this one!  Since it looks like I’m going to have to use the teacher and blackboard idea (blahr blahr blahr).  Yeah, plants - Anzu lounges and… stuff.  Something happens, I know it!  Well, not necessarily - but there has to be a thingy or event or feeling or reflection of some sort to work with.    

Well there we go!  I've started on Green:Wrath, but it hasn't really gone anywhere yet.

(Ooh, random note - YAY!  I just bought the Sweeney Todd movie.  *grins with delight*  Ahh.  Hee hee hee.  The only voice that I really, really like is Toby's, though I like Depp's portrayal of Sweeney is awesome-tastic and a half.  Patti LuPone will always be Mrs. Lovett for me, though.  I have the revival cast recording with her on it and I squee in delight when I listen.  Well, as much as I can considering the storyline.  Heh heh heh.  I'm watching it now...)



gluttony, emotional problems, anzu, kaiba, story notes, azureshipping, green, ranting, yugioh, humor, jounouchi, romance, wrath, sloth, other, sevenfold, broadway

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