More "Sevenfold"

Mar 16, 2008 00:12

Yugioh  notes for bit 25

for Green: Lust - I was thinking of just going the usual route and doing regular physical lust.  But I thought of a really cool idea.  How about some sort of bar or club?  Maybe called something like “Poison” where everyone wears green and it’s crazy and they serve all drinks in test tubes and there are masks involved somehow.  Heh.  The exposition alone sounds like a lot…  And I still have to work the characters in!  Well that shouldn’t be hard.  But I can’t decide if I want it to follow Anzu or Seto.  If it follows him, he could be trying to have fun after stressful work stuff and he bumps into a random, sexy dancer.  But if it follows her, then…  well, basically the same thing.  Except she’s nervous about going and she would NEVER expect to see Kaiba there.  Ooh, this is good.  Heh.  I can’t wait to write it. 
So!  That's what I have so far.  Oh, but a quick note before that...  Bit 24 is posted!  Yeah, I went on and finished it.  Hee.  I'm just a teeny bit proud of that; actually, I'm quite surprised that I did finish - perhaps my inspiration is finally back.  I actually wanted to wait to finish this until I could get to my notebook to see what I had planned, but I had this idea earlier and I really like it.  So!  Here I am to work on it.  Heh.  There are two ways to go (as outlined above).  I guess I'll work a little on both and see which one I like better.

1. A-focused: I guess she and a few friends (girls?  I dunno.  I guess.  I don't think she'd take the guys.  Maybe she's older, out of high school.  Yeah, and it could be with work friends.  Or...  Well, I don't want to do college because of... weird me reasons.  So I don't know.  We'll see.  But I don't think she'd take the guys with her.  So, er... that's settled.)  go out for a fun night.  Yeah - girl's night out.  That works!  And I'll describe the club itself, with all the neon and the flashy lights and this whole cool, snake-ish atmosphere I have pictured.  (I'll probably fail miserably as description is not my strong point.)  Yeah.  And then she'll be dancing.  At first she'll be a teeny bit uncomfortable because...  Wait, no she wouldn't.  >.<  Garr.  I need her to be uncomfortable for the scenario to work out like I see it, but that's not quite her.  I need a reason for her to be uncomfortable.  Recent break-up?  A sudden aversion to large groups of people?  Had a bad day and doesn't want to be there?  Hmm.  That third thing could work.  It wouldn't be the uncomfortable I originally envisioned, but I think it might work.  The break-up could work, too, but that might necessitate exposition that would mess up the flow.

This could also be a really interesting interpretation since she's a dancer - and it would be expected for her to be there.  Hmm.  He wouldn't be a regular.  But he'd...  well, I guess he'd just seem really loose - like he was enjoying himself.  Actually, that's not important.  What's important is that there's chemistry between them.  And that's ridiculously easy to write.  Heh.  Ooh...  But what if he speaks?  I did the mask thing because it fits in with the neat atmosphere, and so they wouldn't recognize each other.  Like the "red" bit illustrated the recklessness of lust, I think that anonymity here will really capture the "spirit" of the sin, so to speak.  All right!  Ooh, I am liking this a lot.

2. S-focused: I liked the other so much that I don't even want to bother planning this one.  Heh.  But let's see...  Well, he'd have to have heard of the place from a colleague or something, so that would really add to the underground sort of aspect of the place.  That could be good, I guess.  But I think it would be harder to describe what he was thinking and feeling.  And I would probably have to do more explanation stuff than I want to.

I want this bit to feel like the atmosphere of the club place they're in - with flashy description, quick, almost-but-not-quite-jarring transitions, stuff like that.  And I think if I have to give too much background information then I won't get that.

Okay!  So Anzu focused it shall be.  Ooh, that's kind of new.  Er...  actually it isn't.  I don't know.  I thought it was, but then I'm remembering a lot of other bits that sort of follow or focus on her.  I think it works, though.

I'm hoping to get this written in about five or six days.  Oh yeah.



green, azureshipping, one-shot, yugioh, lust, sevenfold, story notes

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