Meeting Vivienne

Jun 04, 2007 22:01

Yugioh   piece of chp. 25 (y compris des expressions françaises traduit par zach et par l'internet)

She took his hand.  "Don't worry, babe.  She's going to love you."

Honda loosened his collar.  "Sure, you say that now...  But my charm, as full and charming as it is, only works with a certain audience."

Arisa rolled her eyes.  "Just be yourself - charming or not, she has to love you."  She kissed him softly on the cheek.  "I know I do."

"Hey, keep flattering me, doll, and I'll get cocky."  He grinned.  "And no one wants that."

Suddenly, a black car pulled up and out stepped a frail-looking old woman.  The driver got a small traveling bag from the trunk, and after a short exchange with the woman he got back in the car and drove off.

Arisa squeezed her fianceé's hand.  "There she is."  She smiled and waved.  "Vivi!  Vivi!  Bonjour."

"Arisa!"  She walked over to them and greeted her granddaughter fondly.  "Tu me manquais."

"Je, aussi.  Comment allez-vous?"

"Bien.  Tout va bien.  Le vol n'était pas mauvais, mais ils ont perdu le bagage."  Vivienne shook her head and sighed.  "Quelle incompétence."  She patted Arisa's cheek.  "Mais tu es plus belle que jamais.  Arisa...    Tu me manquais tellemente."

The women continued to converse, leaving Honda totally in the dark.  He had tried to learn a few phrases, but then he had found a link for less than everyday French, and he had spent nearly an hour looking up dirty words.

He cleared his throat, successfully getting Arisa's attention.  She looked her at him and he grinned.  "Mind introducing me?"

"Oh!  Sorry, sorry, of course."  She smiled at her grandmother.  "Vivi, this is my fianceé -  Hiroto, say hello."

He waved at her rather sheepishly.  "Hi."

Vivienne looked him over in an expression far too similiar to distaste.  "Hmmph.  Il est trop maigre."

Arisa laughed.  "Maybe so - but I think he's cute."

Honda looked at her worriedly.  "Is that up for debate?"

"Of course not, dear.  She thinks you're lovely."

He looked at her with a smirk.  "Sure."


-written 4 June 2007

OH MY WORD! I am never including another character who speaks a language I don't in a story.  (Well...  any language that I'd have to write out.  Heh.)  That was so difficult, and I'm not even sure all of it's right.  Blah.  Heh.  Oh well - this is going to be the only chapter that has a lot of speaking parts for her.  Out of necessity, I might decide that she's been lying about being monolingual.  Heh.

I'm all tuckered out.  Bed for little ol' me.



wedding arc, multi-chp. piece, lifestyles-verse, humor, yugioh, written mid-07, romance, honda, (oc) arisa, icoe, conversation

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