Fandom Wish List Meme

Nov 13, 2010 23:08

I just uploaded so many new icons! XD I love it~

So, yes. Totally ganked this from raphaellover.

Step One

Make a post to your journal. The post should contain your list of 10 holiday wishes. The wishes can be anything at all, from simple and fandom-related: fics, picspams, fanmixes, etc, to medium: dvds, books, bracelets, etc, to really big: a new computer, a car, etc. (If you wish for real life things (not fics or icons), make sure you include some sort of contact info in your post, whether it's your address or just your e-mail address where Santa (or one of his elves) could get in touch with you).

Step Two

Surf around your reading list to see who has posted their list. If you see a wish you can grant, go for it! Either make that fandom item, or hey sometimes someone's trash is another's treasure, maybe they wanted a leather jacket for cosplaying Jason Todd and you've been meaning to give one to a thrift store, etc, etc, etc. .

You needn't spend money on these wishes unless you want to. The point isn't to put people out, it's to provide everyone a chance to give and to receive. There are no rules with this project, no guarantees, and no strings attached. Just... wish and try to fill and you'll have the joy of knowing you made someone's holiday special.

~My Wish-List~

♥ SPN: Dean/Cas fic! Um um. I really, really like case!fic where Dean and Cas get trapped together. XP Or fic with Cas' wings... >.> I may have a thing about guys with wings. Or a school!AU. Or a fic with matchmaker!Sam. (I love awesome!Sam. :3)
♥ HP fic with Sirius/Remus! With maybe some Lily/James thrown in. Phwee. Or Andromeda/Ted.
♥ ART! I love, love, love fan-art and any doodles, sketches, or full-blown full color pictures would be loved forever and ever and ever. DID I MENTION I WOULD LOVE IT FOREVER?! And of any character/pairing/fandom I like. I am so incredibly NOT picky.
♥ A River/Jayne (from Firefly vid) to the song "Keep Yourself Warm" by Frightened Rabbit
♥ FANMIXES~ Of... anything! XD Or even picspams, that would be so cool, too!
♥ Um um. Anything else! XD I love icons, and if you feel kind enough to make me a crafty something, that would be SO AWESOME I CAN'T EVEN.

Not So Realistic Wishes
♥ A RAVENCLAW SCARF/TIE. All the scarves I try to make are just... well, either unfinished or really awful. So if anyone has one lying around or anything... ? XP A long-shot, I know! Although, if anyone could point me where to find one, that would be so awesome. Actually, Ravenclaw anything. Hee.
♥ A copy of Heavy Rain (What, I am too cheap to buy it. XP)
♥ AWESOME THINGS IN THE POST! Like... exotic tea or candy, I don't even know! Something cool that I might not have here. Or anything. I enjoy mail.
♥ Statue of Larfleeze a 2011 Corvette signed copy of Good Omens Aww, you guys know I'll love anything, no matter how big or how small! *SQUEEEEEEZY HUGS*

Likewise, if you'd like a little fandom something, leave me a comment here. And don't worry! Even if you comment there, if you have a wish-list, too, I'll try to answer something on it!

holiday tiem, mah f-list is super special awesome, list

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