Another Excuse to Use New Icons!

Nov 17, 2010 09:11

A few things, that's all. :)

+ I really appreciate you guys being so supportive. Being home was really hard, and it's been the first time that I'm the one comforting my mother instead of the other way around. Just the hugs and smiles means a lot, so thank you.

+ I am so busy. ;_; I know it seems like I have a lot of free time, but that's usually because I'm procrastinating. (Like right now! Damn.) School is getting just awful, and I still can't manage my time well. I already e-mailed one professor to reschedule a meeting because I wasn't feeling well (which is the next point), so I hope I can get my act together.

+ Yeah, I think I'm catching a cold. I'm almost positive I was running a bit of a fever last night, and this morning I woke up feeling sore and a little icky. My throat hurts a bit and my head is a little achey, but it's nothing serious. Just a little winter funk.

+ I have to apply for graduation and then grad school. I can't even talk about this, I'm so worried. Well. I can... But quite honestly I don't really want to.

+ I am trying to reply to more entries, so if I see one I'll really try to comment! A few people on twitter were talking about filters and I think I'm going to do that - separate things so I can get to all the people through the mass of communities.

That's all. Have a good day, everyone!

stuff, winter funk, list, college, life

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