
Mar 26, 2010 14:45

So... school sucks. XD That's not new. I actually need to start working on a paper now, because I have two due on Tuesday, but I'm having a hard time concentrating. It's such a lovely day - Spring is my favorite season, and I hate being stuck inside when I could be out enjoying the day. So apparently I reconcile my desire for the sunshine and fresh air and my need to write my paper with staying inside and not working on my paper. How that works is completely beyond me; I think I'm just being lazy.

ALSO. Amazing fic: here. It is sort of spectacular and heart-wrenching and it kind of tears you apart. (Dean/Cas, duh. Ha ha, that's I'll I've been reccing recently.)

Gosh, I thought I had a lot more to say. Apparently I do not.

But! Anyone interested in doing a speed beta for me? I need the fic back by the 27th. It's SPN D/C.
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