Cultural Notes

Apr 22, 2012 18:59

Here's a summary of some immediate cultural differences that might pop out in interaction with Resnick. For more detailed information, see the sarna wiki article. Feel free to ask questions here too.

-He doesn't use contractions except in extreme circumstances. They're considered vulgar and lazy. Possessives are OK.

-Instead of "yes" and "no", he'll say "aff" and "neg". "Quiaff" and "quineg" are used at the end of a sentence where the expected answer is a positive or negative.

-He considers anyone born of genetic engineering to be somewhat superior to a freeborn (one who's born naturally), unless they prove otherwise.

-He has as of yet no concept of monogamy or marriage, except as something lower castes do.

-The normal taboos sorrounding the discussion of sex and elimination don't exist to him.

-His society is completely gender integrated. The idea of women as "weaker" or even signifigantly different from men is alien to him, as is any form of racism (besides the aforementioned bias for the genengineered).

-Insulting words are savashri ("honorless"), dezgra ("disgraced"), "surrat" (a kind of pet) and stravag/freebirth (one born to a mother and father). If you want to rile him up, insulting his ancestry or honor is the easiest way to do so.

-He regards the writings of both Kerenskys with an almost religious awe. Insult them and he'll be really mad at you.

-If truly angered, he might challenge you to single combat. He can be manipulated into losing by bidding in a way that puts him at a disadvanatage. He's honor bound to accept the results.
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