Sailing to Avalon has been nominated for an
Two immediate emotional reactions:
1. Pure, unadulterated squee.
2. Guilt.
The second is because I haven't written much fanfic in a while (in part due to end of term essays and exams).
Unfortunately I’m heading off to the beach tomorrow so any new stuff isn’t forthcoming.
Instead, I'm leaving you with a fic I wrote a while back but never got around to reposting here. (I also recommend the other entries, they're excellent). Enjoy
Title: Unfinished Business
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Gen
Warnings: Character death
Spoilers: If you don’t know how the Arthurian Legend ends.
Word count: 100 words (drabble)
Disclaimer: This version of the Arthurian legend belongs to the BBC and Shine
Summary: This was written for the
merlin100, challenge, it had to start with the sentence -
What he had been given seemed more than enough.
Arthur scoffed to himself; then he stopped because it hurt.
He sat alone, cradling his son’s body and wondering how everything had come down to this.
“Is he still moping?” Morgana rolled her eyes.
“You always were a selfish, insufferable-”
“-prat,” Merlin finished.
Merlin leant on his staff and surveyed the scene with disapproval.
“Well, this is a fine mess.”
Merlin and Morgana propped the king up on either side and scolded him comfortingly as he limped off the battlefield.
“Get moving Arthur, we’ve things to do. It’s not over yet.”