Aug 15, 2008 18:07
8/14/08(THU:73º:Mostly Clear w/Haze)Up @0645: Coffee w/breakfast: Fed cats: Found call from Isidro Villegas(returned call[set appointment @1600]): Synchronized to iBook & ck'd.e-mail & weather: Ck'd.web-mail & financial news: Called Patrick(made connections between patricia & jack last night): Shaved: Synchronized to Mac-mini & ck'd.e-mail: Began dubbing tapes to disk w/Billy Taylor showed up(discussed merrits of buying property~v~fixing boat to live on): Continued dubbing until time to go Kipling/Magnolia: Dr.Mr.Villigas to City Hall(gave clerks signed bill-of-sale & spoke city manager about policy & procedure regarding same): Dr.Villigas back to Kipling/Magnolia(asked to let me know if he has more problems w/city): Dr.Thrif-Tee(bt.gro.): Dr.814(pk'd.behing gate & unloaded): Dr.Radio-Shack(bt.4-head vhs cleaner): Ck'd.p-mail(rc.flmb & usgi stmts.): Dr.Suzuki to SanJacinto(found rdw woozy from heat exhaustion): Dr.814(pk'd.behind gate): Reconsiled stmts.: Showered on patio: Ate in Casita17: Listened am: Asleep after 2100.