Aug 11, 2008 13:14
8/10/08(SUN:77º:Pty.Cloudy)Up @0630: Coffee w/light breakfast: Fed cats: Called patrick(talked too long): Mowed frontages: Fed fish(bubbler not working due to bad impeller-bearing[signs of racoon raid w/only 3-goldfish visible]): Showered on patio & started laundry: Discovered RDW's new Monitor on her Mac-mini(said pixi w/out yesterday,so she got this one @best buy in baytown): Dr.Suzuki to Baytown's Lowes( pump on lowes cr.crd.): Dr.814(pk'd.outside & unloaded): Replaced bubbler sys.: Dr.Suzuki to W*M(bt.gro.): Dr.814)(pk'd.behind gate & unloaded): Ate in Casita17: Napped 1400-1530: Updated quicken: Posted LJ & commented to Mel~: Read financial news: Fed cats: Showered on patio: Ate in Casita17: Listened am: Asleep after 2000.
Baby raccoons keep nabbing my baby goldfish -- one more missing! They broke the aerator-pump when they knocked it over this time too. Had to make an emergency run into Baytown to replace the pump & motor assembly. Glad the native fish across the street don't need all this life support in this hot weather.