(no subject)

Aug 10, 2008 16:26

8/9/08(SAT:75º:Mostly Cloudy)Up @0700: Coffee w/light breakfast(10#over weight): Fed cats: Straightened small trees & picked up some storm debris: Fed fish: Started laundry: Called Patrick(took casita info.pkg.over for him to give to jack in Suzuki): Dr.814 & parked outside gates(notice patricia @library again): Finished laundry: Updated tech.prgms.(rc.$1476.aim.pur.ord.on usgold & $677.pur.ord.on uspremin[exch.both]): Ck'd.e-mail & weather: Posted LJ & commented to Mel~: Ate in Casita17: Rested 1400-1530: RDW gone in quad-cab: Ck'd.p-mail(rc.wfnb stmt.[synchronized to mac-mini & reconciled same]): Ck'd.e-mail & weather: Ck'd.web-mail & financial news: Showered on patio: Started more laundry: Printed quicken reports for July & updated DS&DS files: Commented to Mel's journal: Ate in Casita17: Listened am: Asleep after 2000.
Got buy signals on my gold mutual funds today.  I have a purely mathematical formula for investing that causes me to buy into falling markets and sell into rising markets.  In other words, I add liquidity to the market by not chasing it.
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