Aug 02, 2008 09:16
8/1/08(FRI:75º:Mostly Clear Becoming Pty.Cloudy)Up @0430: Coffee w/breakfast: Fed cats: Read elec.meters & printed notices(city had linemen out before sunrise on robbie): Processed city,w*m & sage pmts.: Posted LJ & commented to hua~: Shaved: Dr.Suzuki to FLNB(made dp.): Dr.PO(mailed sage pmt.): Dr.W*M(pd.bill & bt.gro.): Dr.814(pk'd.outside & unloaded): Synchronized to Mac-mini & updated quicken: Ck'd.e-mail & weather: Ck'd.web-mail(answered hua~ & commented to mel~): Ate in Casita17: Napped 1200-1445: Moved Suzuki inside gate & rinsed: Read in Casita17 till p-mail run: Ck'd.p-mail(rc.all WB stmts.,Verizon ck.,sales survey from lcad on kipling/magnolia,& survey from rep.j.otto): Downloaded Fri.closing prices: Ryead financial news: Ck'd.web-mail(sent rdw'naptime.jpg'rc.from kinny): Fed cats: Updated quicken: Called Patrick(gave him a heads-up right before patricia backed into his drive): Showered on patio: Ate in Casita17: Asleep after 2100.
Double witching days (when the month and week ends on or about the same time) are here and now for me. Lots of paper & electronic duties abound. They are not as bad as the dreaded Triple Witching Days, when the end of the quarter is added to the above, but they are bad enough.
We are also approaching the median time of the east Texas Dog Days of Summer that begins early July and lasts through mid. September. Hot. Hot. And Hotter.