Jul 24, 2008 07:25
7/23/08(WED:76º:Mostly Cloudy:HURRICANE DOLLY Brt.1/2"of Needed Rain Today)Up @0445: Coffee w/big breakfast: Fed cats: Dr.Susuki to W*M(bt.heart-guard aspirin & gro.): Dr.814(pk'd.outside gate & unloaded in rain): RDW dr.Susuki to SanJacinto to feed puppies: Called Patrick(confirmed patricia's birthday as 53rd.): Fed fish(found bubbler knocked over again): Synchronized to iBook & ck'd.e-mail: Downloaded PB stmt..(reconciled): Adj.WB for sweeps: Posted LJ(commented to & answered Mel~): Dr.Suzuki to Sonic(lunch): Dr.past Patrick's on way to worksourse(patricia there): Sent pond photos to Mel~via e-mail: RDW went SanJacinto in Suzuki: Synchronized to Mac-mini: Ck'd.& read p-mail Fed cats: Ate in sundower(fresh veggies): Read financial news: Went Casita17: Ate more veggies: Listened fm: Asleep after 2000.
This Hurricane, in spite of how the major media is playing it, is more of a blessing than anything else. So, there is some minor flood and wind damage in the RioGrande valley that may effect the local economy short-term, but the longer term benefits will overshadow that. Here, we are even more fortunate. The rains are needed, and we are getting that with no damaging winds. Houston may have some street flooding, but that's normal.