reminder: tomorrow, waterproof mascara.

Jan 23, 2010 16:56

tomorrow's the last day at work.
i can't believe i'm seeing this through until the end.
i'd had some regulars come and wish me goodbye.
except i didn't get my favourite Julie and Jaimie,
only 'cause i haven't been working in the mornings this week,
but mikey said Julie came for me. <3

i'll miss my regulars.
i'll miss my managers.
i'll miss my fellow employees.
and we're going to party it up and drink it all away tomorrow night after work.
in which they close early, at like 6ish.

and then when marche comes back.
i'm going to go and eat there,
and see the changes that has happenend,
and no doubt i'll see some of the older folk working there again.

awe. i know i'm going to feel it tomorrow.
all these people i've been surrounded by for 3 and some years.
the food. the horrible food. that was almost free!
and the drinking... behind the bar when no one was looking,
in the fridge where no one could catch me when we closed.
omg, and the late night drinks and pho with wing, roger and gordon!
;( man, i'm sad. i'm gonna miss it all.

now i gotta go find a new job and adjust to it.
 and meet new people.
and learn to work with those new people,
i generally could work with anyone, but still.
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