Apr 17, 2012 09:31
I have been happily working at my place of employment for 1 and a half years. I had been looking forward to some place finally taking up the bulk of me employment history other than the Nintendo.
This is not going to happen.
Sunday evening, one of the former employees messaged me and told me that I, and another person from tech, was going to be fired. Because our owner is looking to cut back because times are tough.
So I came into work the next day, and the manager waited til lunch to finally do it. Sales are down, someone needed to be cut. He wants to keep me on part time and contract me to do tutoring, so he can still send some business my way, and try and keep me aloft. If things pick back up, I will be the first person he will call.
Now, I would be able to accept this, if I was bottom of the charts for sales. That would make sense right? I'm not, I'm second, the first being a far more senior sales man than me, who is excellent at his job. The person on the bottom of our list for sales is this enormous tool, who never does the tasks he's assigned, and will stand around chatting with one customer for 30mins to an hour about compleatlly unrelated bullshit.
So why am I getting the can when the other guy is shit?
Because he's got about 10k of camera gear+software, and can produce videos. So our owner sees that as more valuable than a person who can, you know, do the job properly, you know, the one he WAS FUCKING HIRED FOR.
So, it's time for me to study for A+ certs, everyone in the store is, we can smell the ship is sinking, and everyone is scrambling to get off the ship at the right moment.
I have a lot of options open to me... I don't know what way I'm going to go, but tutoring is going to be a good start. I really like working there, with the people who are there. If you take that away... is it really the same place?