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The re-tooling of the Leslie Knope character, and the reactions of the people around her to Leslie, has been pinpointed by many of its supporters as the main reason for the rise in quality of Parks and Recreation in its second season, and quite rightly, too. It's very rare for a woman on TV to be smart, capable, energetic, uncynical, loyal, levelheaded and kind without it being viciously undercut by some weird quirk that gets more irritating as the show goes along - see Liz Lemon's gradual descent into the mentally-deficient creature that Tina Fey portrays now. And yet, Leslie Knope. Who can be childish and stubborn, but only when pushed very hard, and mostly if someone else is being unjustly marginalized. And she makes everyone around her better people, but wisely, the show doesn't beat us over the head with it.
Fever of Death has now been downgraded to Worst Cold Ever. I hate Worst Cold Ever.