Oct 14, 2003 19:25
It's the beginning of the time where everything is confusing. The clock said 3:36 an hour and half ago easy, yet it still blinking it over and over. People you have barely talked to in years call you at one in the morning and expect an infinity with you. You are fully aware that you are having a conversation with someone but hear absolutely nothing. You aren't exactly tired, but you are tired of people being shady. You take a nap in the middle of the day and can't tell if your dream occurred in reality or just in your head. You are two weeks behind with work but are still concerned with what and where you are drinking tonite. You aren't sure what you want to do with your life, but when some random guy on the street offers you an option it suddenly sounds so sweet. Something simple, something manual, something respectable. Your pseudo reality is a bright, white room where people feel the need to constantly bang on things and ask you "So what do you think." This is what I think. I think I'm trying really hard right now not 1. saw my fingers fingers off 2. get up, start walking and never stop 3. tell you what I REALLY think.