Fic Rec

Oct 20, 2010 10:40

For the past couple of weeks I have had the great honor of being one of the betas on this story.  It's a JE fixit, in several different ways.  So if any of you were not satisfied with the ending of JE and thought that Rose should stay with the Doctor or that Donna was given the very short end of the stick, then this fic is for you.  It's a wonderful, brilliant story that not only addresses The Doctor, his clone, Donna and Rose post JE, it also has some multi(2 of him) doctor time wimey stuff, and Jack Harkness.  The author, whom I consider it a great  priveledge to be helping is posting a few chapters at a time over at Teaspoon, the fic is finished and she's posting at least every other day, if not every day, I think.

I hope you'll all give it a try, because I was sucked in from the first two chapters she sent me.

fic rec, you should read this, shippy goodness

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