WYDC Chapter 6, babies I and J

Jul 18, 2009 11:21

Hello hello! Apologies that this is slightly later than I hoped, okay a lot later, but work, graduation and various celebrations have halved my laptop time. But I have managed to get an update to you! Although it isn't yet the Psychologists, my poor Lyra has been popping out more babies, and here we have my WYCD chapter six, with babies I and J. So, off we go:

When we last left off, Lyra had given birth to a baby boy, Harlequin, who I call Harley, and he is yet another boy with green skin, brown eyes and black hair.

Baby Harley and his Mum Lyra live with her husband Robi, daughter Cream, son Denim, daughter Emerald and son Gold. Harley's Dad is the llama mascot Tucker Bruty by the way, although I don't think he's a green llama *glares at Lyra's ancestors for their dominant green skin*.

With Harley born, it was time to meet baby daddy I, and this is Jupiter. He's Pascal Curious's son from the alien abduction and will be fulfilling the alien daddy slot. I think he's cute, and the best looking knowledge sim I've seen in a while.
Notice the bright red rings by the way? Yeah, that was the first boing of the challenge, courtesy of Emerald's Dad.

Thanks a bunch Peter Galaxy. Well, at least he's not slapping Lyra, he's a family sim so he'll just brood in silence until I play his house in a few months time as I planned to marry him to Bella Goth to get her out of the gene pool.

Whilst Peter contemplates his love failure, Jupiter and Lyra are getting on really well. Really, really well.

And after a trip or two to the photobooth, baby I is on their way. This could be an interesting baby, what with the Curious and alien backgrounds.

After the date and with Lyra pregnant, I get a nice, happy shot of Jupiter and send him off home. Or so I thought.

'Mum, who's this?'
'Oh thank goodness it's my nine nice point child, just get rid of him before you realise who he is Cream.'
Yeah, anyone know how to end an outing before they leave the community lot? *hits head on keyboard*

'Hi father of one of my future siblings, I'd like you to leave this lot now. Goodbye.'
And that's the only child with more than five nice points. Phew.

Cream's absolutely brilliant though, and the first finger gunner I've noticed in the family, managing to multi-task it with holding the cereal bowl. She really does rule.

Later that evening, baby I makes their presence known, and Lyra is once again in need of sudden sunlight due to an obvious pregnancy. Here we go again. :)

Unfortunately, with baby I on their way, this means that I have to let Cream move out and grow up, and right when she was just getting into her personality.

She's a clever girl though, and I think she's joint top with scholarships with Blue if my memory serves me right. Mind you, she's only the third child to actually go to college.

Off she goes into the night anyway, and I hope to update you with the house next door very soon, when Emerald moves out and fills the house to six (Fern the plantbaby being already there).

'Robi will you move out of my way!'
No sooner has Cream been driven off, confrontations start taking place. Lyra is holding Harley and Robi's holding Gold. Last time I tried to put a second door in here they went outside to use it, so things like this were bound to happen with only one door to all eight bedrooms and play area.

Lyra, of course, wins the argument, and poor Harley gets forced to drink the bottle he wasn't actually so bothered about, just to prove his mother's point. Bless.

The next 'confrontation', as it were, happens inevitably when Denim with his one nice point sits at the chess table and is joined by Robi.

'Look Dad, over there, Mum actually isn't showing a pregnancy bump!'
'What?! Where?!'
Poor Robi.

Mind you, that may be the case, but she's showing signs of being pregnant. Poor Emerald has been waiting for ages to use the loo while Lyra has evening sickness, but this should be the last lot, even if there are actually two bathrooms in this house anyway Emerald.

Bump 1 of baby I appears early the next morning, as Lyra's painting once again. Seriously, I need to buy them another sunlamp.

It was school or work that day for everyone except Lyra, so at 6pm everyone crowds round for Gold to grow up.

I loved the fact that Denim stood there for the whole thing not moving an inch with a face that said 'he's going to look just like me'.

Denim, fortunately, wasn't right, and Gold gets a lot of his facial features from his Dad, Repo Man the repoman. I put him in a gold t-shirt, of course, and because of their similarity in personalities, Denim finds Gold in the living room shortly after.

'Right, pay attention. This is how you pull a cranky face. Grrrr. Now you try.'

'Like this? Grrrrr.'
'Hey, yeah you got it!'
Oh this is going to be fun when this lot bring friends home from school to torture.

Because Gold's now a child, the headmaster is coming round at 5pm to assess Denim, Emerald and Gold for Private School. This means I have to get any swarm activities out of the way, so at 7am, it's Harley's birthday.

Did I mention yet how cute and enthusiastic Emerald is? Well, she is. :D

Ooh, he's got a hawaiian shirt. He's kinda cute I think, and gets a lot from his Dad, llama Tucker Bruty. His personality worries me a little at 9,5,9,7,1 and he may well be this challenge's bad boy, even if Denim's personality is slightly more extreme than his is.

With the aid of smartmilk he quickly learns his skills, although I didn't get a picture of the potty doodad, so all I have is Lyra's amusing celebration face as proof.

As soon as that's over, Lyra has bump 2 for baby I, this time outside tending the tomato plants...or are they cucumber? :S

Lyra looks huge with the bump when the headmaster gets there at 5pm, but with her doing the tour and Robi cooking, all we need is one schmooze to get in anyway.

'So, er, train?'
'Yep, you're in.'
I love how easy this house makes headmaster visits now.

And headmaster Garrett is pleased about it as well, as he does a little headmaster jig on the way out.

Here's the other proof, with Denim, Emerald and Gold in their cute little uniforms bless them. I do love the skirt for the girls, it just looks so sweet.

As soon as the kids have gone, and unfortunately for Robi before he goes to work, Lyra feels pain once again. 'Ooh, baby!'

I think this may legitimately be the first birth Robi's been around for, so he really doesn't know what to do.

But playing with the remote control car is not it, you silly man. *sigh*

This is Indigo, and with that facial structure as a baby, I love him already. This could be a very interesting child indeed.

The kids get home from school a few hours later none the wiser about another birth, and it's once again time for a birthday.

This time, little Emerald is going to turn into the fortune sim that she's always been, and become a teenager.

And a pretty teenager she is at that. In a house with her four brothers, this girly girl is holding her own. You go Emerald! Oh, and her LTW is to become Chief of Staff. :)

And who should walk past at that precise moment, but snarling, snivelling Peter Galaxy, her Daddy. So, I do something I haven't done yet for anyone else (save for Denim and Fern, who either live with their Daddy or don't have one). I let them meet.

Peter, meet Emerald. She, er, she's the spitting image of you! *cough* Well, she would be if he was human I suppose.

Emerald then spends the rest of the night contemplating her new, extended family in her green robe which she picked herself clever girl, waiting for her Mum to come back. Yes, it's another date. Ready to meet Daddy J?

It's Cooper! Tired of the green skin and obvious genetics, I'm hoping Cooper's child will get something from him. Anything. Just no more boys with green skin, black hair and brown eyes pleeeease.

It doesn't take long for them to fall in love what with their 90/80 relationship before they turned up, and then it's off to the photobooth as usual.

After three tries we have a lullaby, and Lyra then gets to meet some other potential babydaddies, like the enthusiastic old guy here, before heading home to the other kids.

Yes, the same thing happens again. I am seriously considering getting Freetime to get the hiking option, then I can leave Lyra at home to get the babies sorted. This is getting a bit silly.

It does make for some hilarious situations though.
'Ooh, the personal touch, thank you for the post Mr Mailman!'
'Please don't look out of the window and see Shane, please don't look out of the window...'

Back with normality and Gold gets an A+, joining the ranks of the other kids before him, and securing him his first scholarship already.

He gets his overachiever star as Denim does his last ever homework before moving to college, and outside something momentous is happening. I tend to neglect my teens a bit, not being used to them and making them skill for the majority of the time. So, this is a first:

Emerald is the first child in this challenge to get their first kiss, with a guy whose first name excapes me, but whose last name is Chin, so this is awesome in my book.

As the night draws in and Denim finishes flexing his muscles at the sink, it's time for him to move out for baby J. So, here are his scholarships because I forgot to take a photo of him at the computer:

Quite a few, and I've now confused myself as to how many Cream and Blue had got, so I'll just say he's done well and send him off.

Bye Denim, have fun! And of course, the last child to live with both of their parents has now left the house. I do feel sorry for Robi.

The house won't have six sims in it for long though, because baby J makes sure I know that Lyra is pregnant...all over Indigo. Poor baby.

And bump one for baby J comes in a rather strange place; in the branches of the apple tree. I hope this picture works on everyone else's computers by the way, it's fine on my laptop but too dark on this computer, so I hope you can tell what it's a picture of. :)

With the kids at school all day and Lyra out in the garden a lot, it soon becomes afternoon and the kids come home.
'Hiiii Emerald, I'm home!'

Today was meant to be a double birthday, but unfortunately I was waiting for Gold to finish his homework for too long, and Lyra and Indigo don't quite make it to the cake and he grows up in the entrance hall.

Prepare yourself for this one, he's got an interesting face.

At the time, my screen was zoomed in as he transitioned and I went 'bloody hell!' when I saw him, but the more I look at little Indigo, the more I love his cute little face and squished ears. :) And he really is a sweety: 10,9,3,3,9. Awwwwww.

In the main room, the second part of the birthdays was taking place, as Harlequin turns into a child.

I'm really pleased with how that hairstyle turned out on him, and of course I put him in a harlequin-green coloured t-shirt.

At 2am, however, he was truly getting into his bad-boy status, as he stayed up alllll night playing chess. He's lucky his Mum's a plantsim to keep an eye on those antics. Haha, chess, what a bad boy activity, I ask you.

At 7am on the dot, bump 2 for baby J arrived, and Lyra got ready to take on the toddler skills all day.

At this point, Harley was still at the chess board, and with him and Gold having one nice point each, the cheating wars began: 'Look Harley, over there!'

'No Gold, you look over there! Hehheh.'

I can't wait until the sweet little boy with 9 nice points grows up and joins those two monsters in childhood. And here are Indigo's skills, for those keeping tally:

I just love his little face on the talking picture, he's got to be a knowledge sim like his Daddy Jupiter when he grows up, look at how pleased he is to gain knowledge!

Heh, I paused my computer for dinner at this point, and I love the position I found Harley in when I got back. Jumping in the air has never looked so comical.

Harley and Gold are inseperable at the moment, with four days together in childhood, and they spent hours at that dinner table talking about cliched topics like spacemen, robots and aliens.

Lyra shocks poor Indigo the next morning, by not giving birth whilst painting. Poor little guy's scarred for life now.

But at the end of all that screaming, is Jade. Despite the green skin, I'm happy this time, because shes a girl, bringing my tally to a nice even five boys and five girls so far. Although she didn't get anything from Cooper, which is a shame; I love his genetics.

So, it's on to the next baby, and this is where I leave you for this chapter, I promise that the next one won't take me quite as long. :) And this time round, I actually have some outtakes!

Ooof, Gold, that's got to be painful.

'It wasn't me, I swear.'

Heh. I wonder who Daddy J is? Insert your own joke about packages by the way, I'm leaving this one blank. :)

'No, the deal is, five babies from me or nothing. Got it?'

This is what Gold does when Harley isn't in the room with him. Nothing. Come on Gold, wave goodbye! *crickets chirp* Righty then.

So, thank you for reading this and catching up with my challenge, I hope you're all well and all that's left for me now is to give you a quick recap of the kids so far! So:

Amaranth, daughter of Melanie Leong, family sim
Blue, daughter or Aldric Davies, pleasure sim
Cream, daughter of Mr Big Joe Collin, knowledge sim
Denim, son of Robi Galaxy husband, knowledge sim
Emerald, daughter of Peter Galaxy, Servo, fortune sim
Fern, plantbaby son of Lyra Galaxy, family sim
Gold, son of Repo Man
Harlequin, son of Llama Mascot Tucker Bruty
Indigo, son of Jupiter Curious
Jade, daughter of Cooper Rossi

Bye! xxxxxxx

i and j, wydc, babies, who's your daddy, chapter 6

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