Slideshow testing

Jun 22, 2009 15:56

Hi again everyone! I am, finally, getting around to posting my next OWBC chapter, but as the exchange is most likely gone forever, I've made a powerpoint picture test with Slideshare and Authorstream to see if either of them suit my chapter. LJ is a last resort, because with quite a bit of plot this chapter, I want the suspense of clicking to the next slide, and powerpoint has that. So, here are the two tests, if you can let me know your thoughts on them, I will be very, very grateful. I also hope that posting them this way works, as I haven't done it before. Fingers crossed. :)

Picture Test For Chapter 7 Of Hypothesis Incorrect
View more OpenOffice presentations from amylu1988.

So, the presentation now showing up should be 9 slides long (when Slideshare catches up with me and replaces it like I told it to), as I've added two or three more picture types depending on when you last viewed the test. There's now one sharpened, one resized to cms and one resized to pixels.

Right. AuthorStream just isn't working for me. There's apparently a problem with three of the slides, and it won't embed in LJ either, so it looks like my decision has already been made on that one. Ah well, comments on Slideshare still welcomed.

So, thanks for looking, and I really really hope to have the chapter with you soon, some more writing and plot has to take place, but it should be ready in the next two weeks or maybe even less. Also, I realise that in full screen all the text in these slideshows is huge, so I will change that in the final chapter presentation to save all your eyes. :) Hugs to all. xxx

hypothesis incorrect, chapter 7, picture test, owbc

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