I've also started this post a few times in my head, but never got around to writing it. And props to me for finally critiquing the season 3 weeks into the writer's strike, when endless repeats are looming.
Before I dive into prime time, some classic Days notes. I saw a link for the top 100 Soap moments of all time, which led me to scouring YouTube for other Days videos.
This made my night when I saw it. The Cruise of Deception! Hope's 'death'. Isabella! Ernesto. Drake as Roman! The Cruise of Deception is when I first started watching Days, and I have such fond memories of those episodes. Then I found
this which was also part of the Cruise of Deception storyline. Oh Jack and Jennifer! Back then I wasn't a big fan of them as a couple, and I never really considered them one of my favorites, but everytime I come back to Days it's because of them. I could watch videos of their early episodes all night long.
Anyway, primetime TV recap:
I actually don't like Chuck. But I tape it every week, and then half watch it while making a DVD to send to DH. I keep seeing rave reviews about it, but I don't get it. I'm still meh about Heroes. Yes, the last couple of episodes were a lot better, but I still don't really care. But it's another show I tape and save to DVD for DH. I've watched every episode of Journeyman. I like the premise, but the characters annoy me. I've gotten to the point that the whole going back in time thing bores me as well, but it's on my season pass so I keep watching. It's a good show to have on in the background when I'm doing other things. Once it annoys me enough, I'll remove it from Season Pass.
Tuesday might be the night of TV that I tape the most and don't watch. I still love Bones. Every week I find new reasons to love the Bones/Booth dynamics. I also won't mention the Booth/Brennan/Me threesome dream I had the other night. House I like when I find the desire to watch the eps. I'm a couple of eps behind. I really liked the Survivor Intern idea, but once he cut "Ridiculously Old Fraud" or whatever he was calling him, I sort of lost interest. Boston Legal I watch in fit and starts, but I love the eps when I do watch it. SVU - I don't know. I've been meh about the eps, and since it's the third string in its time slot, I have to remember to tape the rerun on Saturday night which doesn't happen often. I saw the season premiere of Nip/Tuck. It was okay. I was into it while watching it, but haven't had the desire to see any subsequent eps. I have every ep of Cane on the DVR - or I did until the DVR deleted the pilot ep for space - but haven't seen any yet. I'm thinking about just chalking it up to a lost cause, and deleting the whole thing. But then I figure once we're in reruns, I could use my free time to catch up on the show. I have a few eps of Reaper, but also haven't seen it yet. I will watch it one day though.
I could take or leave Bionic Woman. The Katee scenes have been great, and that's about the most positive thing I could say about it. But like Journeyman, it hasn't annoyed me enough to get booted from the DVR. Plus, I've also been adding these to the DH DVD. Back to You -same story. Til Death, is my guilty pleasure. It's not a perfect show, but when it's funny, it seriously cracks me up. DH and I totally relate to Eddie and Joy. Private Practice - It's pretty good. Obviously we're not talking award winning writing here, but it keeps me entertained. Dirty Sexy Money is by far my favorite new show of the season. It's just fun and pretty. CSI NY is all about Danny/Lindsay. and each week I get more and more annoyed with the show when they don't give it to me. Based on several recs, I do have a couple eps of Pushing Daisies on the DVR. See above comment about strike rerun watching.
I was really into CSI until the last couple of eps. I just wasn't a fan of the Without a Trace crossover. I don't watch WaT, and the crossover pretty much convinced me that I don't ever want to. I haven't seen the big Sara goodbye ep. I'm not in the mood for a tear-jerker type of goodbye ep. Just like I felt about the Elizabeth send-off on Stargate Atlantis. The Office has been hit or miss for me. Some parts I've absolutely loved, but most of the eps have been only okay. Especially the last two eps that aired. With Grey's I've seen the pilot and the Halloween ep. It's the tier for its time slot, and I don't really miss it. I think I will try and catch up later on, but the prospect of Gizzie doesn't exactly have me running to downloads.
I've expressed my thoughts on SGA before. I did see the part 2 of the season premiere, and it was better than I expected. But then I couldn't sit through most of the eps that followed. I did see one or two, but the others I either deleted after watching the opening scene, or shortly into the ep. I haven't had a chance to see the one that aired this past week, and I do want to see how they play out the Teyla storyline. I'm still really enjoying FNL, although some of the plot lines are bothering me. For now, Coach/Mrs/ Coach is enough to keep me coming back for more. I've taped one ep each of Moonlight, and Women's Murder Club to find out which one I want as the second ep in the 9 PM timeslot. I've yet to watch either one though.
I'm behind on Torchwood eps too. The ep from two weeks ago, with the people that came from the past bored the heck out of me. Still, I've enjoyed most of the season.
I would absolutely adore Brothers and Sisters, if they didn't have plot lines that make me want to claw my eyes out. Tommy and the affair? Hate it. Justin and his relapse? Hate it. Kitty/Robert/miscarriage/wedding jitters - getting close to hating it - I think this week will seal the deal for me. I really love most of the characters (especially Nora, Kitty and Sarah) and some of the scenes are really so great so I can't figure out why they rely so heavily on cliched plot lines.
I finally saw Knocked Up last night. I really wasn't that impressed. I think seeing so many reviews raving about the movie, really made my expectations too high. Plus I need to go back and watch it again, since I was distracted by juggling finances in the beginning. However, I was hoping for laugh out loud funny scenes, and I didn't find any. Maybe it's also because I've spent too much time with the kids and not enough time with an adult male, but I thought a lot of the guys talk was really quite vulgar. Which is weird because that usually doesn't bother me.
On the complete opposite end of the spectrum is the Bee movie. I took them last weekend while visiting friends in Atlanta. The kids seem to love it. My friend loved the ending. I again, was not impressed. I'm not quite sure what I was expecting, but I thought it would be funnier. Again, though, the target audience really enjoyed it.