Phew. Just spent the last couple of hours catching up on LJ. I last read it Thursday-ish, and held off on Friday because I wanted to watch BSG first. Well, BSG still hasn't been watched and I decided I wasn't going to avoid LJ forever, so I caught up. Kudos to my flist for not spoiling me on the BSG episode. But it is interesting reading the outside of cuts comments. I don't know for sure what happened, I can make guesses, but the one thing I can say for sure is that apparently there is a very interesting promo out (I can't wait to see BSG set to All American Rejects.)
We had a very nice weekend. Saturday we went into NYC. It was absolutely mobbed as expected. But we got to see the Macy's windows (so very cool) and it took a little perseverance, but the kids were able to play with the interactive stars. I want to go back to
jennukes journal to look at her photos again. We had no chance of reading the story behind the windows, so I want to read it from her shots.
I thought we would skip Macy's Santa, since the kids already had a breakfast with him, and we saw him last year, but my older son specifically asked to see him again. Since he is 8, I know the Santa belief time left is short, I wanted to grant his wish. So we got in line for an hour, but I still think Santaland is worth seeing, as well as the big guy himself. Since we didn't have our fill of lines, we decided to have lunch at Mars 2112. It was like being at Disney during one of the school holidays. We waiting over an hour for the simulator ride, and then a little longer for our table, but we finally got seated. My little guy who wanted nothing to do with any of the Disney characters a couple of months ago, loved the life-sized martians. My older guy loved the whole thing in general. It was a really cool place, although I'm not sure it was worth the wait.
From there we went to Rockefeller center to see the tree, visit Nintendo World and then go to the top of the Rock. We got up top right at five O'clock as the sunset was ending. The view was unbelievable. The Empire State Building was lit up in blue and white, and to see the red and orange sky behind it was just awesome. It was a perfect way to end the day.
Yesterday we slept in, and I got a pampered breakfast in bed while DH dealt with the kids. Then everyone pitched in for housework. The afternoon was spent getting some more things accomplished from the comfort of my couch. The only negative was yet another pathetic performance by the Giants.
One week until Christmas. Oh! Hugs to
control_freak80 and
lilyvalley73 for the Christmas cards. I still need to get mine out (I still got time! :) ) I updated my journal layout yet again. I found some Christmas icons I liked, so I switched over temporarily to one of their Christmas themes. I see that the new uploading screen is getting lots of negative reviews, so I am very glad I switched over to Semagic a few months ago.
I saw this on my flist
There won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time,
The greatest gift they'll get this year is amykay73.
Do They Know It's Christmas
from the
Christmas Song Generator.
It cracked me up because it is one of my favorite Christmas songs, and my ego is happy to see I am the greatest gift ;) (I also like how the generator points out what the real word should be)
{checks e-mail} Ooh! My Yuletide beta is done. Thanks again
calcitrix! I want to read through it and hopefully get that uploaded tonight so I'm not involved with the big rush tomorrow.
And one last note - Happy Birthday
ibardicus! And Happy Hanukkah! I'm so sorry to my fellow December birthday buddies that I have missed in this hectic time of year!