Dec 10, 2004 21:56
Wow, I believe I hit a new level of drunk last night, and put on a remarkable performance that included talking about hos, police, and puking everywhere in Tucson.
On a lighter note, I have officially (well basically) made it through my first semester of my masters. ONLY ONE MORE TO GO, then I can get out of Tucson, which I think I'm ready to do.
So onto my night of being a drunk jackass.
Annie and I got ready at my house, then we met Kristina, and Becca at Rachel's house.
And we followed Drunk Theory # 3 and started the night with a tall can of Mickey's.
We went to Gentle Bens, had some drinks, danced on the stage with the DJ, I got to talk to Marcus and Raphael (which can sometimes lead to trouble). Then we took a cab to Dirtbags (stopping to pick Rachel up on the way cause she got sidetracked while heading to Circle K to buy another tall can).
At Bags, is where things got kinda bad, ok they got belligerent. We were all pretty drunk (except for poor Becca) and then I saw somebody and nothing that huge happened. However, I think the combination of the unusual madness of the week (for example school projects being lost over the internet, 3 finals, friends having complete break downs, and other friend being cheated on), and a situation or "bet" regarding me that I heard about this week, that at first didn't really bother me, but then once I sat and thought about it, really pissed me off, led to me being unusually sensitive and maybe needing a little bit of attention.
So I proceed to quickly drink more beer, then I begin drunkenly analyzing things with my friends, then some of them leave. Apparently, I ended up saying a few choice and not so nice comments about this girl that someone was talking to, which is so not me, about 2 feet from both of them, which means they could probably hear. So I'm pretty sure I really screwed the pooch on that situation.
Then it comes time to go home. We are getting into the car, all 8 of us in a Passat. I tell my roommate, the driver, for some reason, that he would be upset if I didn't get in the car. He says "No I wouldn't", so I promptly turn around and start walking down Speedway. I get about 3 blocks, then the car comes down the street, Rachel gets out, Rachel (also shit faced) tries to pick me up and carry me to the car, we fall down. We stand back up, continue walking, and then out of nowhere, a cops comes out of the bushes, no lie. He kept asking me why I won't get into the car and i keep telling him "Cause my roommate is in there and I'm pissed at him" which didn't seem to be an acceptable answer all four times i said it. Then he asked why Rachel and I fell, which I answered by saying "Cause she fucking pulled me down damnit", which he also didn't like. THen all of a sudden a cop car pulls up. Are you kidding me? Three cops for a girl walking down the damn street!!!! My roommate said he got to us just when Rachel almost put her clove out in the cops eye by accident, but he said the cop was definitely pissed, and that we were both about 15 seconds away from being arrested.
So then the cop makes Rachel and I pack in with the other 6 people in the car. And we start our drive home. I passed out and was cool for the first like 10 minutes, then when we dropped a certain boy off, I have to open the door and puke, which continued the whole way home. I puked in front of the boys house, in the drive thru at Viva, at the gas station, almost all the way down Anklam, and all throughout our complex. The night was completed by me walking to the wrong apt building, and getting pissed cause I couldn't find our stairs (which don't exist on the adjacent building).
Good times, good times, I officially want to stay in my room for the rest of the semester. It takes alot for me to get embarrassed, but I'm pretty sure that this is the most embarrassing thing that has happened me to awhile. Ok so maybe Drunk Theory #3 was slightly disproved last night. We are counting it as an extraordinary circumstance, so further testing must commence.
Ok, I know this was a long entry, but I had to put this in writing somewhere so I can refer back to it every night before I go out so I can make sure to not EVER EVER be THAT girl again, EVER. Plus, today sucked, as I was still puking til like 6.