Luxury (1/1)

Jul 31, 2007 20:33

Luxury (1/1)
Author: Amy
Pairing: Multi and yet None. Guess you’ll have to read and find out what that means. ;-)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Never Happened
Warning: AU Future!Fic and probably borders on being crack!fic
Summary: Orlando Bloom in a rich man, a very and important man.

Author’s Note: This is what comes to me when I’m in a silly mood, have been working on pretty much one fic for the past few weeks and desperately want to pad the July total…
Author’s Note #2: I’ve always been a bit too fascinated by the opening closet/computer database scene in the movie Clueless…

* * *

Orlando Bloom was a rich man, a very rich and important man.

He was rich enough that whatever he needed or even whatever he wanted on a whim was at his finger tips without even having to leaving the house. And he never left the house unless he was required by law to do so because he was needed.

If for some reason he needed actual money he could plug it into his computer database and the money would appear in the vault drawer in his basement. But he rarely needed money credits worked just well for most of his needs. If he needed food he’d plug it into his computer and it too would appear in his basement vault and be sent upstairs to the kitchen where his staff would collect it. The same was said for anything else material that he needed. His wealth and power had his basement connected to the underground network filled with people that would do nothing but fetch him his heart’s desire.

And if what he desired was the latest movie, even those that had yet to be released for the public were his for the asking. The same went for any book he chose to read unpublished manuscript or not. Every toy or video game was available at his whim. And if his wishes ran to more…adult…desires well that was available at his beck and call as well.

And there was no need to actually go out to get anything or even the need to pick up the phone.

He simply went to his computer and selected the folder, the only one that stayed on the front page the entire time. Inside it was separated into two further folders: Ladies and Gentlemen. He did use both on occasion but as he grew older he used the Ladies section less and less. That would be the case on that evening as well. Inside the sub folder there were more folders one devoted to each of the men he could choose from he settled into his favorites folder needing the comfort of something familiar.

He was bored and lonely something that happened for more than most people would think of looking at his life from the outside. He wasn’t able to have a fulltime relationship with just anyone out there in the real world. A venture of that sort would be a big long screening process to make sure he was matched up with the right person and most likely he would not like the outcome. But inside his own house he could do whatever he pleased without it making a difference to the world at large.

His choices were his own not anyone else’s.

He preferred to live his life that way even if the choices he made only lasted for the night or a few days at the most.

He stared at the files in front of him each had a picture on the front of it but he no longer needed them. He tried to decide what he was in the mood for that evening. No not what he was in the mood for…what he needed.

Did he want someone closer to his age that he could be an equal or even in charge with?

For that he could choose from Elijah with his big blue eyes and sharp intelligence who always managed to pick the right book or song to go with the occasion. He could choose Dominic with his messy hair and chipped finger nail polish who was never afraid to beat him on whatever video game they chose and could always made him laugh. Or he could pick Billy with his soft and gentle hands and musical voice that always made him feel calm and relaxed.

Or if he wanted to give up being in charge for a little while there were choices for that as well.

There was Karl with his air of mystery and his steady refusal to talk more than he was required too. He always took complete control pushing Orlando to the brink of begging for mercy but never pushing too far. Or Eric big and growly who could pick him up and toss him around but had a heart as soft and squishy as a teddy bear. Or Sean who asked…no demanded rather…that Orlando take an active role in their encounters and then would listen for hours when it was over as Orlando talked about everything and nothing.

Or if he’d rather choose someone off the beaten path there were choices for that as well.

David, Daisy rather, with his droopy eyes and sleepy voice that Orlando never got tired of listening to it tell him stories both old and new. Or Viggo with his artistic nature and tendency spouted bits of poetry in heated moment and was happy to spend hours painting Orlando rather than doing anything more interesting. He made Orlando smile with his crazy comments and his far off expression often made Orlando wonder just how someone like him had ended up in The Program. Or there was Ian who was older and wiser than them all. Ian had the flair for the dramatic and Orlando loved to go over old plays with him and escape into another role for a while. And Ian was always quick with advice when Orlando needed it most.

His fingers hovered over the screen. All he had to do was select one. Just a few brushes of his fingerprint against it would make the order complete and all he had to do was head into his bedroom and wait for the second closet door to open. That closet was really an elevator that was connected to the basement. His order would allow them into the secured area down there with their own fingerprint identification and that would also allow them access to the upstairs area.

They would come with everything they needed for the length of the visit they were allotted. He’d been busy and so he’d managed to save up enough points for an extended visit maybe even enough for a full week. That made his heart flutter in his chest and definitely effected his decision. While he adored them all there were some that he wouldn’t want to spend an entire week with.

He closed his eyes his brain filtering through all the possibilities before zeroing in on the only one he’d really want to spend that much time with. It was easier than he thought to come up with that one name. His eyes opened and he swiped his finger against the file and accepted it when the double check came up. He felt completely satisfied as he stood up from the computer and walked towards his bedroom the lights in the rest of the house shutting off as he exited each room.

Then he sat down on his bed and waited.

* * *

Author’s Note #3: This was really supposed to just be a silly crack!fic but my muses have decided to make it angsty and have this world much more fully formed then I had originally anticipated. There’s a longer story that’s begging to be told but I’m far to busy at the moment to deal with it. But if anyone would like to play in the universe with their own choice I’m happy to allow it (just link back to this pretty please)….yes even if the choice is Viggo… :-P I may eventually chime in with my own story but most likely not for a while...
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