EyeCandy #34

Jul 31, 2007 11:58

Ooh boy...this is actually going to be "on time" for a change. Amazing.

Okay next week is once again a solo-centric EyeCandy. This time it'll be Daisy which I'm sure will probably prove boring for a lot of people but so be it. Then #40 will be Eric and I'll start over again with Orlando. Unless I decided to do something else...still figuring it out.


This weeks Best in Show proved difficult but not for the reason it usually is. For some reason most of the pictures I've chosen this time around are very...normal. Now don't get me wrong I love every picture I've chosen and they all spoke to me for one reason or another but there's not really a super outstanding OMG picture in the bunch. It's very strange but I guess it's just the dorky silly mood I'm in or something...so in the end it came down to two pictures and I chose this one...

I'm not so sure what it is about this picture but I find it incredibly compelling and gorgeous. Just want to wrap myself up in his jacket and be all comfy and cozy.

He's such a dork. How I adore him.

And because I adore him, twice in a row. Soooo cute.... *pinches his cheeks*

This picture of Marton was the second runner up for Best in Show this week. It's black and white which I love and slightly arty which I also love. It's just...I'll be honest, I try to keep how I feel about a particular person out of the BiS decision but when it comes down to a close week it does tend to come into play and I just like Daisy much more than Marton so that picture won out in the end...

So many comments I could make...so...so...many. Can't decided, can't decide... Now my head hurts. If I felt in the mood I'd do a Caption This with this picture because it's soooo asking for it.

A recent picture of Sean from this past week I believe not sure on the exact date. He looks scrumptiously scruffy and mussy. And look at little miss Evie all grown up.

Heh. One can never go wrong with a Pippin picture especially a Pippin Making a Silly Face picture. *ruffles the hobbity hair*

LMAO...I suppose it's not that bad when compared to some of the other looks he's sported in movies...but oh man you just know that Karl would probably rather he never be reminded of his various Xena looks. Oh the cutness...oh the fun.

This picture is obviously here because of Miranda but I'd much rather talk about Lucy's dress and how much I want it.

The last Orlibean picture I have.... *sniffles* I know it looks like one I've used before but it's not. And those shoe laces still crack me up to no end.... :-)

Viggo being all arty. Definitly the sort of picture he makes in Corazon after a kill. Definitly.

I love this picture because I adore how excited the fans are to see him because I would totally be squeeing up a storm. He looks fabulous as always. *nods*

This is the exact pained expression he wore after he stood for hours in the wardrobe department as the costume people tried to match his shirt color to his eyes. *snerks* Seriously though I can't wait for this movie to come out... *waits impatiently*

I chose this picture because it made me giggle. It really has nothing to do with the picture itself except when I saw it I had this image of him and Evie at their place arguing over the amount of closet space they have...and the fact that his various T-Shirts and stuff take up more space than her stuff.

Cute!Astin says bye!

And that's all for this week. Sorry if it was boring not a lot to drool over this week I'm afraid but once in a while my drool wants a rest and let's my brain take over. And man...that sounded really strange.

Anyway see you on the flipside!


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