Book of the Moment: 4/17/11

Apr 17, 2011 20:17

It was an excellent week reading wise. Not only good in terms of reading but lots of good stuff to read. I finished up last weeks book, then started and finished Anne of Green Gables, and then I cheated a little bit because a friend sent me the first two books of a series that I've been excited to start reading so I'm reading the first then I'll probably read something else and read the second.

It's an old school fantasy/comedy series called Myth Adventures with magicians and demons and battle unicorns and it's a lot of fun even though I'm still pretty early into it.

* * *
"Ah! What a shining example of civilization!" chortled Aahz exuberantly as he peered about him, delighted as a child on his first outing.

We were sauntering casually down one of the lesser used streets of Twixt. Garbage and beggars were strewn casually about while beady rodent eyes, human an in-human, studied us from the darkened doors and windows. It was a cluster of buildings crouched around an army outpost which was manned more from habit than necessity. The soldiers we occasionally encountered had degenerated enough from the crisp recruiting poster model that it was frequently difficult to tell which seemed more menacing and unsavory, the guards or the obviously criminal types they were watching.

"If you ask me, it looks more like mankind at its worst!" I mumbled darkly.

"That's what I said, a shining example of civilization!"
* * *
Another Fine Myth
Chapter 11
Robert Asprin
Started: 4/16/11


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