New Layout

Apr 17, 2011 08:59

It's that time again. Fresh coat of paint time. And yeah random Pikachu is random I know. I've developed a minor obsession with Pokemon of late after finally picking up a game for the first time ever (and after seriously turning up my nose at the whole thing) and instantly getting hooked. But beyond the games and a little bit of fanart and reading the manga I wouldn't really say I'm in the fandom persay it's just a fun diversion and my muses seem a lot calmer for having things a bit more stretched out between interests instead of focusing on only one thing obsessively. But yes you don't have to worry about seeing much Pokemon here.

I'm also very happy with the color scheme (after fighting to get the pick close enough for my liking it's still not perfect but it's as close as I'm going to get) it's nice and springy and well...chewy...because it reminds me of candy. lol. Header and first weeks default icon are both by me from fan art I don't have a source of.

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend yesterday was weird for me because I went to the eye doctor and had drops put in so that messed up my vision a bit so I sort of just lazed about for a good portion of the day which means that today I have to hopefully get some stuff done. I'm feeling rather ambitious so hopefully this is the sign of a new leaf being turned over. Hopefully.

Have a great Sunday everyone!


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