My Thoughts on the Half-Blood Prince

Jul 15, 2009 16:55

My non-spoilerly above the cut review...


For more babbling train-of-thought non-sense making extremely spoilerific thoughts please see under the cut. (very long and very babbly and maybe not making much sense...)


Hands down the best Harry Potter movie so far and a wonderful movie overall. It didn't feel like I was watching a movie so that I could see one of the books I enjoyed brought to life. Instead for the first time it felt like I was watching a really good movie that just happened to be adapted from a book that i also enjoyed. That probably doesn't make much sense but I swear it does in my head.

Going in I didn't have very high expectations. Of all the books Prisoner of Azkaban and Half-Blood Prince are my favorites. I hate the POA movie with all my heart they just changed or left out too much. Now I know they changed, left out and added quite a bit to the HBP but unlike POA where if felt like they'd left the soul of the book on the cutting room floor I felt all the changes or additions or things left behind really made HPB work. Thinking about it I think that HPB had to be the hardest one to make into a movie. It's more of a filler exposition novel then anything else. Yes there's excitement at the end of but mostly it's there to set up Voldemort himself and Deathly Hollows and so isn't as flashy as the other novels. To make it into an appealing movie things needed to be streamlined and ironed out and they managed to do that and keep the heart of the book still there.

More detailed thoughts.

It a gorgeous looking movie each shot is just beautiful from the opening right on through to the final shot. From number three on they've all been very pretty movies but this one was just breath-taking.

I loved the balance they managed to get with the movie. Set on the backdrop of the impending war (which of course the characters don't realize is fast approaching but we as the audience of course know -- at least those that have read the books know is coming and those that haven't read the books should realize that something dark is coming from the way this movie was set up) is a nice mix of humor and romance mixed with the sadness of Slughorn and the full out doom and gloom angst of Dumbledore/Snape/Draco. It was just the right mix on all accounts.

I especially loved how they did the Pensieve and the memories in this one it actually gives me some hope they might get the Snape's Memory section of DH right unlike the disappointment that was the "Worst Memory" scene in Order of the Phoenix. It was a fabulous smokey not quite solid and echoy quality that hit just the right note.

Things I loved:

Tom Felton was fabulous. They got lucky in choosing him for Draco because his scenes (especially the scene in the bathroom and the scene with Dumbledore at the end) could have been quite horrifying if not done properly but he did well. Too bad all this character build up will come to pretty much nothing. My big annoyance with the books is how Jo kind of didn't follow through very well with Draco in Deathly Hollow. Yes I know that part of that is that he isn't Harry or the Trio and thus like all the secondary characters didn't get as much build up and follow through but still she could have given him a bit more then he got at the end one way or the other. And gods did he also look fabulous...while I don't really buy Draco, as a Malfoy, running around in muggle suits and what not he did pull them off amazingly well.

Rupert Grint was also great (and hot -- boy who would have thought wee chubby cheeked Ron would grow up so nicely). He's long been my favorite of the Trio acting wise and he continues to deliver both the comedy (especially the comedy) and the serious stuff. It was nice to see Rupert get a chance to shine for a change since so often in the past he's gotten lost in the shuffle in favor of Emma but yes it was worth the wait. I can't wait to see if they echo the Bezor scene with the Pond scene in DH when they get there it didn't strike me until seeing it on film how similar the Harry saving Ron and the Ron saving Harry scenes are in tone.

Alan Rickman was well...what really can you say about the man. I could never picture anyone else in this role. Yes he's probably too good looking (and of course he's technically too old) but it's like it was created just for him and no one else. They way he conveys so much so few lines and just the glimmer of the thoughts of a man trapped in a web he has no hopes of getting out of (and knows it) that he allows us to get just brief glimpses of. Just...yeah...he's amazing. His interactions with Harry were wonderful as always (especially at the party and in the bathroom) and even more entertaining as seen through Snarry colored glasses... *snerks*

Loved the redesign of the Burrow. It maybe was a bit to neat and clean but other then that I loved it too bad we didn't get to see more of it.

Ron/Hermione: Squees everything I loved about them in the books right there on the screen. Can't wait for Deathly Hollows.

The scene in the cave was awesome, as was the cursed necklace scene, the opening sequence though not in the book I don't think was wonderfully rendered and the whole Harry/Slughorn scene with the Lily mentions that was probably Dan's shining moment in the film. The whole last section of the movie from when they return to the cave is pretty much perfect especially the moments in the courtyard. I've never been a huge Harry/Ginny fan but that moment totally convinces me that it works.

Also loved the little subtle glimpses of what's to come the focusing several times on Dumbledore's wand and other little moments spread throughout.

Things I liked:

Dan and Emma were good. I've never been huge on either one of them. Dan is improving and he had some wonderful moments but he still doesn't fully capture me all the time. Emma was...well Emma. I really don't get everyone's love of her. She's good but she's not as awesome as some people make her out to be. *shrug*

Things That Disappointed: (There wasn't much but there were a few things)

Unfortunately though a big plot point the actual Potions Book didn't really get that much play in the movie. I can understand why it's a device that works well in the written form but not as well visually and from a pacing stand point I can understand leaving out the whole Hermione mad at Harry over cheating with the book subplot needing to be left behind. Still I can't help but be sad that it didn't get the screen time it deserves. The whole reveal at the end felt shoe-horned in there but that's understandable as well given the way it was used in the movie as compared to the book.

The Unbreakable Vow Scene just didn't work for me. It was well done by all involved but it just lacked...something...very sad. Loved seeing Snape's Home though. All those books... *drools*

The non-build up of Tonks/Lupin -- makes me wonder if there will be any Teddy at all in the movies. Yeah...not very well done at all.

The lack of Neville and Luna. *sighs* They didn't have much to do in this book and even less to do in the movie I don't even think that poor Neville had any lines at all if he did it was very brief. I can hold out as long as they don't screw up his DH stuff. I wish that Luna had been given more to do in the books I think Evanna is probably the best actor of any of the child stars.

I feel like I'm forgetting something...somewhere...and I'm sure it'll come to me but I could babble all night probably I enjoyed the movie that much. It more then lived up to the EPIC trailer. Now I really want to see it again.

And speaking of Epic Trailers of movies staring actors with big blue eyes....I Can Has 9 Now Please?


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