
Jul 14, 2009 19:36 why must you be the most frustrating website to purchase from on the planet? Seriously I've never had as many problems trying to order stuff online as I have from that website. I had to try three different cards before I used one that they'll accept. For whatever reason they've never taken my Debit Card I don't know if it's a MT thing or something that's specific to my credit union but they won't take it I've contacted the customer service rep for MT and got some vaugey non-helpful reply that it's on the banks end but I've used it all over the place on other websites and never had any problems with it so yeah...whatever Well today knowing that I tried a differed card finally I managed to find one that they would deign to take. Thankfully I don't go through them very often as most of the time I'm going to movies at really odd times during the day/week when I don't have to worry about lines or whatever (and I just use my gift card) but for big releases I do like to plan ahead a bit especially during the summer so I was forced to use them today. Bleh.

But anyway the point of the whine was I got my ticket for Half Blood Prince for tomorrow at noon. I totally wasn't going to go on the first day/first showing but...I gave in and decided I couldn't wait until the weekend. All this effort for a movie that's I know is probably going to let me down just like the POA movie did... *sighs* I've turned into such a fangirl.

So chances are that the EyeCandy post will either be late tomorrow or held off until Thursday...probably the latter but I'll decided when I get home and have had dinner.

eyecandy, potterverse

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