Book of the Moment: 7/5/09

Jul 05, 2009 19:53

Hey all hope everyone had a lovely weekend I had a quite Saturday but today was pretty darn Epic. And not just because of the Epic Wimby final between Roger and Andy though congrats to the both of them for that and to Roger for managing to pull through the winner. No the real epicness came when I went to the Goodwill in a town about thirty minutes from here. After looking over the books (and not being all that excited with what was there though I did pick up a few items of course) I went over to the purse section and there waiting for my discovery was an almost mint-condition Coach purse just sitting there in plain view. After looking it over and deciding it might just be the real deal (real suede bottom, correct double C pattern, heavy metal hardware all stamped with the logo, embossed and stitched leather authenticity tag inside with serial number and embossed key fob) I decided to snatch it up and buy it because I thought it was cute regardless of if it was real or not. When I got home I checked around on the internet trying to determine if it was real and it matched up with all the "how to determine if it's real and not a fake" stuff I've found. Unfortunately it's not from a current Coach line so it's not on their website and I haven't been able to find the exact match in terms of the color on EBay or the like but I did match it up with the same style number in a different color and a different style bag with the same coloring so I'm almost 100% sure it's not a fake. (I couldn't take any pictures since my camera is not cooperating if I do get it to work I'll probably post at the thriftwhore journal and link). So basically I ended up get a $200 purse for...wait for it...$7.99. I'm still a little shocked at that because well I can see why someone might not have wanted to keep's green...really green...but why not try to sell it instead of giving it to EBay? I mean I have seen them at Goodwill before and it it always boggles my mind. I'm also surprised that the Goodwill people didn't catch it -- usually the people who work at them are pretty savvy and that sort of thing goes for at least twice as much and is kept in the cases. But's my gain now. My mom is just annoyed because she was at the purse section before I was and didn't notice it (not that she would have known what it was but still...) *huggles new purse* Normally I wouldn't gush this much over anything least of all a purse but it's my first real "Score" thrift wise so I'm overly squeeful of it.

Anyway reading wise I had a good week. I finished up last weeks book, read through the second section of the third Dark Tower book and started this weeks book. It's the first volume in the Percy Jackson & The Olympians series The Lightning Thief and yes I did partially buy it because Sean's supposed to star in the movie being made from it. But I also got it because somewhere I was reading a discussion on the Greek Myths (I think maybe Metaquotes) and they were talking about the series in terms of it being modern America with Greek Gods and I thought that sounded interesting and when I went to research it further I realized they were one in the same. Even then I didn't search it out it just happened to be at Sam's Club one day when I was there and I decided to give it a go (in much the same way I finally gave in and read the first Harry Potter novel all those many moons ago...) it finally came up in the rotation this week.

To be honest the writing is a bit shaky sometimes but I can forgive it because it's fast paced, highly entertaining and incredibly funny. Smart, sharp, intelligent humor dealing with the gods and their many fights, transgressions and that like most of the time. (see my sidebar quote as an example). I'm a big time Greek Myth geek so this series is making me incredibly happy on so many levels. I ended up buying the second and third book in the series today and I really can't wait to see the movie version when it comes out. (even if the fact that Chris Columbus is directing it makes me nervous)

I mean seriously what's not to like about a book where you get to Olympus by taking an elevator in the Empire State Building (and need a security access card), the entrance to the Underworld is in LA and mythical swords turn into ball point pens you can never misplace? of the main characters name is Grover it's impossible to not like a book where one of your main characters is named that. I also like how while the author does explain the basics of who the Gods and Goddesses are and their jobs and powers he doesn't go overboard with it. I'm sure the main reason is that to do a full run down of exposition it would probably make the book three times as long but I'd like to think that maybe some of the kids who have read it were curious enough to look up the back stories and such.

Anyway...enough babble...the section from this week...
* * *
It was Annabeth's idea.

She loaded us into the back of a Vegas taxi as if we actually had money, and told the driver, "Los Angeles, please."

The cabbie chewed his cigar and sized us up. "That's three hundred miles. For that, you gotta pay up front."

"You accept casino debit cards?" Annabeth asked.

He shrugged. "Some of 'em. Same as credit cards. I gotta swipe 'em first."

Annabeth handed him her green LotusCash card.

He looked at it skeptically.

"Swipe it," Annabeth invited.

He did.

His meter machine started rattling. The lights flashed. Finally an infinity symbol came up next to the dollar sign.

The cigar fell out of his mouth. He looked back at us, his eyes wide. "Where to in Los Angeles...uh, Your Highness?"

"The Santa Monica Pier." Annabeth sat up a little straighter. I could tell she liked the "Your Highness" thing. "Get us out of here fast, and you can keep the change."

Maybe she shouldn't have told him that.

The cab's speedometer never dipped below ninety-give the whole way through the Mojave Desert.
* * *
Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Book 1): The Lightning Theif
Chapter 17: We Shop for Water Beds
Rick Riordan
Started: 7/3/09


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