Needing some prayer

Aug 10, 2004 19:40

Yesterday morning I woke up with severe cramping in my abdomen and serious pain in my mid back. I took pepto, herbal aloe, rolled on the yoga ball, had mom rub my back(and y'all know how I can't stand to be rubbed), laid on a heat pad...nothing would relieve it. Finally the pain go so bad that I asked mom to take me to the ER, because I couldn't breathe right. At the ER they couldn't figure it out. They did blood, urine and x-rays...nothing seemed out of whack. They gave me a G.I. cocktail which is supposed to numb your throat and stomach...didn't do anything to me. They gave me a painkiller in my arm...nothing. A pain killer in my right hip...nothing. Finally they gave me demerol in my left hip and for about 10 minutes I had relief where I caught my breath. Then it started up again. After all of that, the nurse came in with another stronger G.I. Cocktail and said they were going to admit me. I was relieved that at least this wasn't some bogus pain that I was having and that at least they believed me. Then two seconds after I downed the cocktail, it came back up....along with all the other junk I had tried that morning. The P.A. sent me home with free ulcer medicine and painkillers for the stomach cramping. He said I'd need to contact my regular family doctor to do an ultrasound since they couldn't detect anything from the other tests and xrays.

So then I get home and mom calls dr. bauman's office. she, being the witch she is, has her assistant tell me that in the future unless it's a life or death thing, I should go to an Integris ER. It made me so mad. Integris is about 20 minutes away...and dr.bauman's Integris is about an hour away...whereas Purcell hospital is 5 minutes away. I told the lady that I was doing my best to make myself breathe at the time I went to Purcell so yeah, I'd consider that life and death! Then the assistant said she'd have to get me scheduled for the ultrasound first thing tuesday because all the offices were closed (hospitals close???). So this morning I call in to work thinking I'll be getting my tests done. By 10 am, the dr office hadn't called. So I call them and ask about the tests. They said Dr. B was working on it and would call me back. Yeah, right...they forgot because an hour later she called back with the times for the test. In the meantime I decided to change dr's, but the ones I called couldn't get me in for consult til next week. So I'm going to Dr. B for the ultrasound, then getting my records and changing doctors.

On top of all this, the brakes are out on my car. Dad is going to fix them...hopefully...which is a huge blessing. It's just everything is overwhelming with health, car, finances, work(still don't know anything about the contract)...everything!

Guess I'm feeling a bit better though if I can get on here and whine and gripe about my whole life. *lol*
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