(no subject)

Feb 27, 2010 23:03

Hello... I am babysitting right now and so thought I might right a bit (in part to stay awake) =D

Ella awoke the next morning to the hushed whispers of the family around her waking up as Eli slept peacfully on her chest. A thud came from the bed next to hers where the twins had slept the night before, "Do you want to want to wake our guest and the babies?" came the warning from their sister as they took their shoes and scooted out of the room. Ella was not sure what to do with herself, if she should get up and help with the morning rutines or if she should remain with Eli as he slept. After the room was quiet she sat up, unable to sleep any longer knowing others were starting their day, and realized the two youngest Morrison's remained asleep in the bed beside her. Ella got up quietly, slipping the baby off her chest and patting him back to sleep. Putting on the same dress as yesterday having decided it was the cleanest despite all of the wear, Ella knew she would have to do laundry today.
"Perhaps, I can help by doing the laundry for the family at the same time," the thought came to Ella happiliy.
The kitchen got quiet as Ella entered the room, "Good morning."
"Good morning. I hope the boys were not too loud. I tried to tell them not to wake you." Ruth's responded as she flip another pile of flapjacks onto the middle of the table.
Ella stood nervously, "No, not at all. I should be helping. What can I do?"
"Eat. Or there will be noting left!" Mr. Morrison said as he came in the door from outside, "Ruth can hardly keep up with feeding everyone! yet we all leave full." He reached over and gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek.
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