Sep 30, 2004 19:32
i really really hate it when people think they know me better than they do. many of my friends are positive that they know everything there is to know, and that they have every little corner of me figured out....wrong. i can't stand it when they purposely do something or say something (or don't) because they assume it will make me mad. do i really get pissed off very often? i only get pissed off when something directly affects me or when someone purposely tries to offend me or bother me, and even then, its not like i yell or ingore people. paul wanted to get dinner tonight after band and i was asking chris if he wanted to (from across the room) and he wouldn't answer...i found out later that he had plans and he didn't say no because "i would've gotten pissed off." what??!! okay, im sorry chris, but why would i be mad? it was a question. am i really that intimidating? the whole issue has just really been bothering me lately, and it isn't just this single incident, and it isn't just chris. gah. please know what assuming does!!! (according to the almighty mr. lyons)
yesterday i finally met with my new adviser and she told me which courses to take next semester...i found out that ill have to do atleast 3 minors (or focuses) next to advertising. damn. oh well....and i found a course to take this semester to keep me full time so i don't lose my medical coverage....BOWLING!! im so excited! i'll be paying a shit ton of money to take it, but whatever, it'll be fun. its on east campus, which will be a pain to get to, but its just another bus ride.
speaking of bus rides, i think im going to write a book or something...Star Tran Chronicles, perhaps? everything i experience and think about on the bus is just so fascinating. some of the things people say are just downright rude, but its funny...kinda makes you think about how people grow up to be the way they are.
today i also went to the doctor and had the 2 warts on the bottom of my foot frozen off. it felt funny...didn't really hurt except a little pinch in the begining. im glad they'll be gone soon...they were actually starting to hurt. ya know, i worry too much about things being scary or painful...i can't remember the last time someone told me something was going to hurt and it actually did. and someday when im giving birth to an 8 pound human being, yeah, ill be kicking myself....