Sep 12, 2004 12:14
this morning while cleaing my room up i listened to all the CD's from my honor bands in high school...listening to Children's March from Winter Winds at UNL just put tears in my eyes...theres something about it that just sums up the success of my musical career in high just makes me so happy...i was everything i wanted to be, and i got so far, and while being at the bottom of the ladder in college is difficult, listening to these CD's proves to me that i'm going to get better...someday ill make it to the top and be that much more happy again. as much as i want to quit being a music major, theres something about performing that just...illuminates me...for lack of a better word....its so defining of my emotions, and i love it. being on stage is where i love to be, and i wouldn't be able to live without it. just typing this makes me all teary-eyed. and listening to all-state and to my UNO orchestra solos....god....its just great to be a part of music like that. nothing in the world picks me up more than music.
the recordings also reminded me of all my friends from orchestra and band, like liz and mikaela....the friendships you make in music are irreplaceable. theres something about sitting on stage with people that you've grown so much with and playing the most expressive music together. there are people that were in all-state with me my senior year that i had been in orchestras with ever since i was in 8th grade in JYO....its amazing how much we grew together, and i see so many in college continuing with music. i've met so many people...i even know some people in my theory classes from honor bands, including Chuck the bassoon player, who was in the Chimney Rock Quintet with me at winter winds...that one of the greatest weekends of my life. and at UNO, even though it was my third time playing Egmont, it never really gets old, because when you play it with different people, its a whole new story that you tell together....soon you learn that mus ic isn't just the notes on the page...its what you make of them using everything you have and love about can close your eyes and just make everything wrong in your life melt away....its such a fantastic release....just feeling the music run through your body....amazing.....
as much as i hate hearing the flute and listening to people perform, theres something about playing it thats so much different. when they say that music expresses what can't be put into words, they couldn't be more correct.