On a wire they were dancing, two kids, no consequences (two)

Feb 11, 2012 23:18

Authors Note - Hey, got this second one up, hope that if you're reading this then you're enjoying it. Just to see how many are reading, comment please? :p

Alex's point of view

I watched Jack walk around the car and get into the back seat beside me. I haven’t talked to him before this morning but ever since I first saw him at the start of the year I felt like we would be good friends. I felt really bad for him this morning and my friends were fighting between themselves at the moment and I felt that I needed to distance myself from them; maybe making new friends was a good idea.

As we drove up the road I felt Jack relax into the seat - he had been sitting pin straight before, the dude was just a bit nervous that was all. If someone from my year that I don’t talk to offered me a ride to school I would certainly be a bit on edge.

“What do you have first, then?” I asked, making the first move.

“Oh, umm, music I think…yeah! I definitely have music,” Jack replied. The way his eyebrows creased when he was thinking was really cute and his eyes were such a lovely deep, rich shade of brown but his pupils were so large they captured you and dragged you in... “Alex? Hello, anyone in?” I heard Jack say.

“Oh, sorry, I must have blanked out… I do that a lot,” I mumbled, annoyed that I had been dragged away from those beautiful depths.

“We’re here, Jack if you ever need a lift just ask, we only live right around the corner,” Alex’s mum said.

“Thank you Mrs Gaskarth, that’s really very kind of you,” Jack replied politely, this was then followed by “It’s not a problem Jack, anytime” and the usual “Goodbye sweetie, see you when I pick you up after football.”

“Your mum’s really nice,” Jack smiled at Alex, “Why were you staring at me funny in the car though?”

“I was… umm… looking at your eyes. They’re a really nice colour,” when Alex mentioned this Jack began to blush, which in turn, make butterflies appear in Alex’s stomach.

“Umm, thank you?” Jack said.

“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t mean for this to be awkward it’s just that I… oh, well… it doesn’t really matter anyway,” Alex replied, embarrassed by what he was about to say.

Only Alex’s best friend Zack knew that he was gay and even then Zack stopped staying over at Alex’s house. After a while Zack got over the idea that Alex may or may not crush on him but he started to trust Alex again, they were back to what they were like before. And Alex was about to blurt this out to some complete stranger who made Alex’s heart beat ten times faster when just their arms brushed.

“You’re in my music class aren’t you? With Mrs Brownstone?” Jack changed the subject quickly.

“Oh yeah, didn’t she say we were moving seats today?” Alex inquired.

“Yep. Thank the Lord, Pete stinks like mouldy cheese and he farts like there’s no tomorrow, I can’t wait to get moved now,” Jack said, making Alex laugh. Alex loved how Jacks smile was slightly crooked; it was sort of charming in a way that says that it’s not perfect but perfect enough for Alex. Alex had just begun to imagine how Jacks lips actually tasted like - what did he have for breakfast? Was it a sweet breakfast or was Jack the healthy type? He looked over at Jacks tall, lean build. He didn’t think Jack was a healthy person no matter how skinny he looked; he had a nice bone structure that stopped the excess fat building up. Really, Alex needed to stop drifting off like this.

As they arrived at the classroom Mrs Brownstone lined them up across the back of the room and started to call out assignment partners. Eventually only Jack, Alex, Zack, Jed, Cassadee, Rian and Jessica were left standing at the back of the room.

“Jack and Alex, this back desk please?” Alex’s stomach did a little flip, he knew that there was the smallest chance that Jack liked Alex let alone be gay as well…


jalex, jack barakat, alex gaskarth

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