Take my hand and lead me away from this land

Jun 04, 2012 20:11

​Chapter Three

I follow close behind him as we make our way though a maze of desks and chairs to the back of the room. When we arrive blue eyes is instantly greeted with the name 'Dan'. Makes me think that the music teacher this morning was messing around when he called him 'Daniel'.

"Hi there," the small boy says to me.

"Hi," I smile back at him before taking a seat that blue eyes had left me. I thanked him quietly and sat down.  They began to talk about things that had happened over the weekend or in class after I had fainted. After this being mentioned the one known as Josh asked me how I was feeling.

"I'm okay thanks, I feel a lot better now," I told him. From around the circle of boys came wolf whistling and 'ooh's, I assumed because I had spent most of that time under Dans' watchful eyes. I blushed a deep crimson colour and tried to hide it behind my fringe. I glanced up at Dan as he turned to smile at me.

"So did you two do anything, then?" the short one, Max, asked. I giggled a bit and shook my head. As the guys changed the conversation and began to talk amongst themselves I felt Dan's breath against my neck as he said quietly into my ear, "You have a cute laugh," before winking and sitting back into his chair.  I smiled before looking down at my hands resting in my lap.

I felt the tears form in my eyes again. I quickly brushed them away but not before earning a questioning look from the long haired one, Chris. I shook my head at him an he seemed to understand what I was trying to say.

"I'm sorry but I never caught your name?" one of the louder boys, Matt, asked me. I gulped as I looked at him - it was true though that no one apart from the staff knew my name.

"My n-name is... Sapphire," I told them.

"Your name matches Dans' eye colour," Josh said. I giggled again and turned my head to look at Dan.

"Yeah, it does," I confirmed. He smiled at me before relaxing into his chair, up until now I hadn't noticed that he had been sitting forward slightly. As he lay back on his chair he placed his arm around the back of my chair. I looked down at his shoes as I didn't know what do to.  The subject of conversation soon turned to food and how everyone was starving. Suddenly, as the teacher walked by, my stomach let out a large growl.

"You didn't have break did you?" the teacher asks me. I shake my head because I had been passed out during break time. I look at Dan, suddenly curious to see if he had eaten break while I was out for the count. He lifts his head in a small nod to let me know he had eaten.

"You're such a liar - sir, Dan didn't have any break either," Chris informed the teacher.

"Do you two have something to eat?" the teacher asked. I shook my head as Dan nodded.

"You can share with me if you want?" he asked softly. I blushed and felt my fringe slip over my face again as I nodded, "If it's okay with you?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's fine," he replies.

The teacher made us sit in the store together so that the rest of the class didn't begin to complain about not being allowed to eat food etc.  I sat down on the sofa as Dan sat down next to me.


He pulled a packet of Haribo's out of his pocket and offered me one.


"It's okay - you don't need to keep saying thank you"

"Oh - okay"

We sit in silence as we eat the Haribo's. As Dan pulls another cola bottle from the packet I feel my pocket vibrate. I pull out my phone and look at the message;

11:57 Mum

Hi honey, I've been told that I'll be away for a few days so I hope you don't mind staying on your own for a while.

Love xx

I felt tears sting my eyes for the third time today as I read the text. Dans' arm had slipped around my waist as I read the message - he had read it over my shoulder, I could tell by the apologetic look on his face right now.  I just broke down and cried my heart out as he held me tightly to to his chest. I had his checkered shirt bunched up in my hand as I cried into his neck. He rubbed his hand up and down my back slowly as I let out shaky sobs.

It felt perfect, his strong arms around me as I tried to explain, through tears, what I had been crying about. He wanted to know - that made me feel loved. I smiled as I fell asleep in his arms on the sofa in the technology block, 5ft away from a classroom.


Author's note - hey guys :D I just wanted to know, how many people are really reading this? 'Cause I know a few of my friends from school are reading but I was just wondering how many others were too? I hope you're liking it so far :) it's been fun writing it and I have quite a lot planned out for this, hope you enjoy :D

starring: darla, chris miller, starring: sarah-louise, dan flint, sapphire, fanfiction, josh franceschi, matt barnes, max helyer, you me at six

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