Dig deep into my soul

Jun 04, 2012 20:09

Chapter Two

I stand stock still as the door quietly closes behind the two men. I can hear the sounds of people whispering, not only about me, but also about the trouble the two boys could be in.

I remove my gaze from the door and look around to see Daniel staring at me. His cute smirk has returned to his face but it is as much nervous as it is cocky. I redirect my focus and turn slightly on my heel. Flicking my fringe over my eyes I observe the class - blue eye's friends now have his attention although I can still see him glancing over to me every now and again. I see the short one mouth the word sorry, closely followed by the long haired one.

He nods to them and returns his gaze to me. My breathing becomes more rapid as more and more people look in my direction. I slowly set my guitar down on the floor and put my hand to my forehead. I feel my cheeks flush red and suddenly I don't feel too good.

My head spins slightly and my eyes lose focus. I feel a pair of strong hands on my shoulders and someone lean down to look at my face. I couldn't quite make out who they were. I close my eyes for a minute and suddenly feel my body drop and go limp. I don't feel a hard surface below me but instead feel someone's arms wrap around me, saving me from further injury.

Suddenly my brain and senses go dead.


I slowly open my eyes, blinking my eyes rapidly to adjust to the harsh strip lights above me. I roll slightly to the side and find myself lying on a bed. I smell the indescribable scent of a medical room. I groan as I remember fainting.

I fainted on my first day.


Out of the corner of my eye I catch movement against the pea green of the walls. I look over and see blue eyes watching me intently over the top of his book. He smiles gently at me before standing up and dusting himself off. Moving over to where I am, he kneels down so his head is level to where mine is on the pillow.

"Hello again," he smiles. I can hear the gentleness in his strong voice, he sounds confident yet sweet. I look into his piercing blue eyes and feel my breath catch in my throat. They are clouded with worry. It makes me blush slightly. His bleach blonde hair has flopped slightly into his face and I have the sudden urge to brush it out of his face. I restrained myself, sometimes I can be so compulsive...

"Hi," I croaked. My eyes widened and my hand flew to my mouth as I heard my voice, it was barely there! Blue eyes brings the chair he had been sitting on over to where the bed is.

"You feeling okay?" he asks, I nod my head in response, not wanting to let him hear my broken voice again. He chuckles slightly, "You know, even when you have a bad throat, you're still pretty cute."

I feel my cheeks turning red as i looked down at my hands. I shook my head. I probably looked a state right now and he was just trying to comfort me. I feel a finger tilt my chin upwards and suddenly I'm looking into his eyes once again.

"You don't think you're pretty?" he says in disbelief. I look down again as I feel tears prick my eyes. Just as he's about to open his mouth again I hear the door open and the squeak of shoes across the linoleum floor. His hand moves away from my face but he stays close by as the school nurse checks that I'm okay.

As soon as I can stand I am told to move on to third period. Design and Technology. Blue eyes informs me that he's in my class this period and that he left my guitar by the office so that I wouldn't have to traipse it around the school all day. I just nodded in recognition.

As we pass the toilets I touch his arm and motion that I'm going to the loo. As soon as I'm through the door I rush to the mirror and fix my hair, carefully restyling it to sit as it was this morning when I had it perfect. My hair and my eyes are one of the few things I like about myself - I try to keep both as pristine as possible. After quickly eating a polo mint and fixing my clothes I walk back out of the toilets to be greeted by blue eyes - I didn't expect him to be waiting on me. He just smiled as he fell into step beside me.

As we arrive at class 'Dan', as the teacher calls him, excuses us for being late, explaining why. The male teacher is more than accepting, turning to explain to me that we won't be having a practical lesson today, as he has some marking to do, so he's letting us watch a DVD but doesn't mind if we sit and have a bit of a chat with each other as long as it doesn't get too loud. Dan is waiting patiently by my side to ask if I wanted to join him and his friends, motioning over to a group of boys including the two from this morning.

I don't see anyone else in the room watching the DVD nor do I see anyone who would particularly like to talk to me so I nod at him.

"Are you ever going to talk to me or are you giving me the silent treatment?" he asks, chuckling to himself.

starring: darla, chris miller, starring: sarah-louise, dan flint, sapphire, fanfiction, josh franceschi, matt barnes, max helyer

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