family business, construction business and rock hard abs...

Mar 15, 2008 17:51

i'm at my moms house in long island for the day...
writing a blog entry on my mothers beautiful ibook. my brother who recently moved out of here to westchester county (tarrytown, i think) to be closer to his job is visiting too. we've decided to plan for our family trip to thailand a little bit and just kind of get some shit together and a general idea of what thats gonna look like--who i need to bring gifts to etc. i got a haircut from the stylist of my life marie, who i love--scorpio with a scorpio symbol tattooed on the back of her neck. gawd, scorpios LOVE being scorpios and flexing about the fact as well, its really something too big to be ignored. my hair was starting to make me totally sick how long it was and when marie saw it i think it made her kind of sick too. she said it was like sawing thru a tree, you know, she does razor cuts so its kind of like sawing in the first place anyways. if you were wondering, of course it looks fabulous, a little bit dry and in shock but i'm really happy with the cut, its spring time, ya know? time to clean out al the excess bullshit and start over a new.

bobcat and me went to the gym together today...
which is something we've never done together before. i forgot how fun it is to workout with someone and have someone to complain about how hard everything is and then drink smoothies with. surprisingly it was actually a very pleasureable experience. my brother and his analytic mind knows quite a bit about working out, he subscribes to mens health and shit like that and does marathons and biathalons and triathalons and shit. i have a subscription to cat fancy and tattoos, yea, we're kind of different but theres some intersection as well. he said i keep up better then his best friend gerard which is an insult disguised in a compliment--gerard being this like fat lawyer, lazy, whiskey drinking, couch potato friend of his who was once an athlete in high school--which was like ages ago. myself being someone who actually does physical things for a living at the present time. either way, we had fun together raviwong-boys, we plan on doing it again. funny cos we have never really been close in our lives until after i graduated college and now we realize we actually have some things in common that we enjoy and even kinda get along. like gourmet food and working out and we even smoke the same kind of cigarettes. he tells me about all the drama in his life and i play therapist and give him advice and of course i keep my lips tight about my own life, as always, not very open about who i disclose the intimate details of my life to esspecially things that are stressful, important or make me feel vulnerable in the lightest bit--thats an aries thing, also in my mind a gross macho thing to be deconstructed and family stuff is always weird to me. its becos no one ever taught me to be a human being so here i am doing all this guess work...
at one point in our workout where we were doing our calistenics (sp?) i saw a dude from an old job of mine. an electrician so i was like hey whats up, where do i know you from, do you work construction, where are you working now? whatever... he was like this middle aged, bald headed, moustached white guy. and me and bobcat both thought it was hilarious that i knew him--yup, those are my peeps. my community of middles aged, working class family men and butch dykes with heavy new york accents. i swear i live in a fucking cartoon.
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