Nov 23, 2007 11:58
Okay, so my last entry was positive and negative.
I need to start writing in my journal more; I learn a lot looking back...even if I look at entries from a few weeks ago...few years's all helpful.
I'm thankful today. I guess I'm a day late.
I'm thankful for:
1. My family...I have so many great memories with them and we only keep making more and more. No one has a perfect family, and I'm coming to realize that slowly. Despite the craziness, I think my family is pretty close to the perfect family. They are AMAZING individuals as friends, workers, students, on and on...SCHRAG'S RULE! P.S. Lily is the best dog in the world and I miss her so much!!
2. The opportunity to continue my education. I know I complain a lot about school lately. I am so lucky to be able to go to graduate school FOR FREE! I am learning so much and I have made some great friends. I can't wait until draping next term. When I look back at journal entries concerning school I can see how I ended up where I am, and I'm happy for that.
3. My Car! It has been so helpful to have a car again. I don't know what I would do without one now that it has started snowing. As much as riding my bike was helping me squeeze in a little activity, I need this car!
4. really is beautiful in Montana :)
5. Life. I need to stop taking things for granted.